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Thony tries to make a game out of giving Luca his meds before working. Fiona is struggling because her son took the van without a driver's license, and it could cause trouble.

At work, Thony is cleaning the bathroom when the FBI agent comes in under the pretense of needing to change his infant daughter. He chats her up before revealing who he is and asking some questions.

Garrett, the FBI agent, inquires why she went to Theo's funeral and shows her photos of Arman and his men.

Matteo realizes 15 of the guns they were giving a buyer, Viktor, are gone. Viktor threatens them, and guns start going off. Matteo is dead.

As Garrett is questioning Thony, Fiona returns. Arman calls, needing her help immediately. She wants out after this job.

After Thony leaves, there is an FBI raid at the bowling alley. Many of the workers thought it was ICE. Fiona recognized him and texted Thony.

As Garrett is harassing Fiona, Thony returns, and she's mad about their scare tactics.

Her phone rings at the worst time. The women leave. Garrett's partner Renee scolds him for his tactics.

Jaz calls again, saying Luca is worse. Thony can't get any more meds for Luca without him being seen. They head for the ER, and then she decides to go to Arman's hotel for help.

He helps her get to the doctor at the hospital. The antibiotics aren't working for Luca, and his liver is worsening.

Thony has a worse day when she's brought to the warehouse and hears Arman and Hayak fighting over her. She proves her worth by telling them about a strange man she saw lurking by the trucks which may have stolen the guns.

Luca stabilizes when they find out what caused the infection, and Thony realizes she's in deep with the mob.


The Cleaning Lady
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The Cleaning Lady Season 1 Episode 2 Quotes

Arman: We’re going to work this out. No one is trying to cheat you.
Matteo: This is not a problem, Victor. We can get your guns.

Garrett: You were close enough to go to his funeral and get his daughter a gift?
Thony: Theo was a single dad. He didn’t know what to get for a 16-year-old girl. He asked for my help. I wanted to make sure she got it.