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To save money, Darlene, Ben, Neville, and Jackie go on a joint honeymoon. The rustic cabin Ben booked doesn't have two bedrooms. It only has an open bed in the living area and an open loft directly above it. And the bathroom has used bar soap with hair wrapped around it.

After Darlene makes fun of Jackie's inability to sustain a romantic relationship and what a miracle it is that she's married, Jackie becomes determined to show that she and Neville are more in love than Darlene and Ben.

Darlene and Ben can't sleep because Neville and Jackie make love, and their bed squeaks loudly. After over an hour, Darlene tries to interrupt them by making noises that anger Jackie, who says Darlene can't handle seeing a real, loving relationship.

After the two couples fight, Darlene and Ben decide to leave and head home.

Harris decides not to move in with Darlene and Ben. Harris wants to stay with Dan and Louise. Dan says he'll ask Louise.

Dan takes Harris, Mark, Becky, and Beverly Rose to a water park. Mark and Harris share a hotel room, and she learns that Mark had been talking to his ex, Logan, and was planning to move to Oklahoma to be with him after he finished school. But Logan is now posting pictures of him and his new boyfriend online.

Mark is depressed and grabs a beer from the mini-bar to make himself feel better. Harris tries to stop him from drinking, but he won't listen. So, she decides to drink with him as she has smuggled in Margarita mix.

The two get drunk while listening to Morrissey and bonding over heartbreak. Mark is thrilled that they seem to be becoming friends. Unfortunately, Harris leaves the bathtub running, and it floods the room below.

Dan arrives to check on Mark and Harris and finds the room flooded, the mini-bar raided, and Mark throwing up in the bathroom. They decide to head home.

Back home, Darlene learns what happened with Mark and Harris. Harris and Mark stick up for one another, which surprises Darlene. She grounds Mark for two weeks. Becky thinks Darlene is being too easy on him. Although Darlene doesn't condone his drinking, she is thrilled that her kids have become friends.

Jackie and Neville return from the cabin. When Darlene asks why Jackie was being so competitive, Jackie tells her how hurtful she found Darlene's jokes about her love life and insists she deserves better from her family. Darlene agrees. The two bond over the very long road they've each been on to find love.

Darlene makes Mark wash the car despite his hangover. She and Ben make as much noise as possible so that Mark will think twice before he drinks again.


The Conners
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