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Ben, Darlene, Jackie, Neville, Harris, and Aldo all try to agree on the specifics of their triple wedding. Dan offers to let them have it at the house, and they all agree, but the rest of the decisions aren't as easy. They agree on Aldo's choice of an opera singer, but Darlene wants a judge to marry them while Neville wants a priest. To make Jackie happy and make things easier, he agrees to the judge.

Ben starts reworking the layout of Darlene's new house and adds in a music room for him and Mark until Becky points out that he's getting rid of the bedroom and bath for her and Beverly Rose. Becky worries that Ben doesn't want her living in the new home.

Harris learns that Aldo turned their bridal registry into a baby registry. Aldo says he's 40 and wants to have a kid with the woman he loves now. Harris says she's not ready for that. She isn't sure if she'll be ready in five years or 15 years. Aldo and Harris realize that they're getting married for different reasons. She won't be pressured into having a child. Aldo says he didn't want it to be pressure. He wanted it to be something they both wanted. Harris calls off the wedding.

Aldo is so upset after his breakup with Harris that he accidentally tattoos NEVER on Jackie's ring finger instead of Neville.

Neville has a meltdown at the wedding rehearsal and says he can't marry Jackie without God being present at the ceremony. He needs a priest to marry them.

Darlene offers to have separate weddings, but Jackie is insistent that Roseanne would have wanted them to get married together. So they decide to get a judge to marry Darlene and Ben and a priest to marry Neville and Jackie.

Dan tells Louise he feels like this is the beginning of the end because once Darlene's house is finished, all of his kids and grandkids will be moving out. Louise says she's sure his kids will be at their house plenty to share all of their emotional problems.

Ben and Darlene, Jackie and Neville get married in the Conner living room in front of friends and family. Everyone is happy for them.

The Conners
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