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Barry dresses up on a mission outfits while he tries to find the perfect one for his date with Linda Park. 

He keeps getting called away from work and Linda does, as well. He successfully manages to put out fires and they talk about a second date. Cisco says they need to talk about sex because with his really fast speed... oh, who knows?

The Burning Man is making the news, as in Ronnie's form Martin is meeting up with old friends. It's very confusing.

Joe asks Cisco to help look into Nora Allen's death and a divorcee named Sherry lives there. Joe seems smitten.

Caitlin, Barry and Harrison try to figure out why Martin is in Ronnie's body hurting people. When Harrison shows Barry a picture of Stein, he remembers seeing him on the train the day the accelerator exploded (that's when Barry was reading about Harrison).

Stein had a wire box with a glowy ball in the middle -- project firestorm. That's what was released during the explosion. It didn't seem all that secure considering what was inside.

The gang visits Stein's wife to find out what she knows. Stein, in Ronnie's body, did visit her. Barry wants to go on his date.Harrison isn't worried, he's sure Barry can get back in a hurry if needed.

Joe and Cisco continue their investigation while Sherry offers Joe wine and daiquiris. A mirror is still original and may have superimposed images on the mirror. Whoa.

Linda arrives at Barry's and despite his incredible special of dinner reservations at PaperClip, a round of mini golf, a jazz club and then maybe some froyo, she's more into some physical activities.

Caitlin has a hard time with the Ronnie and Martin thing.

Barry and Linda are getting busy when his body does the shivering thing because he's excited. Linda loves it, but it freaks Barry out a little. Luckily he gets a text to go check on the Firestorm situation. He ends up in flames at some point.

Cisco extrapolated a 3D hologram from the original 2D on the night of Nora's death. There is blood on the wall from one of the two speedsters who was there that night. Maybe the one who killed Nora. 

Linda uses a sports analogy to tell Barry he blew it. Now he's learning how the superhero thing can get in the way of his love life. Linda asks Iris for advice and Iris thinks maybe he's not ready. He had feelings for someone and it was an unrequited love, so maybe just give him time.Whoa. Very cold, Iris. Very cold.

Barry and Caitlin take Clarissa to see Ronnie/Martin. Martin can hear "the other one" inside his head who wants to go home to Caitlin, but he mostly hears his own. As Ronnie/Martin is cleaned up and calls Caitlin by her name, she takes it hard. 

Linda wants to call it of with Barry and it's because he's still hung up on Iris. Barry is not happy and calls Iris on it. She realizes she probably said it. Barry admits he no longer has those feelings.

Joe wants Cisco to test the blood...as a match for Harrison Wells. Cisco's reaction is to walk out because that's not the person he knows. Joe understands the reaction and tells him so.

Only when Harrison thinks killing Ronnie/Martin is a possibility does he seem to look at Harrison differently.

Ronnie/Martin remembers meeting Barry on the train and gives him some dating advice.

To show her how much he likes her, Barry promises to eat the worlds hottest pepper in front of her. She thinks he's bluffing and he takes a bite. 

Harrison wants the tachyon prototype to be changed into a quantum splicer. Gideon assures him that will put his plans on hold. It won't matter if Central City goes up in a nuclear blast.

As expected, the blood on the wall was from Barry as an adult.

Caitlin has the quantum splicer and she wants to separate the two men. She figures they have nothing left to lose. She gets through to Ronnie and he kisses her. Firestorm goes up in a blaze and Barry whisks Caitlin away. Firestorm blows. General Eiling gets the message of the blast and wants Firestorm brought in.


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The Flash Season 1 Episode 13 Quotes

Martin Stein: And I thought people your age didn't read actual books anymore.
Barry: Oh, I'm the only one.

[to Barry] You change one more time I'm gonna shoot you.
