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The Godspeed war has escalated in Central City. They are attacking its citizens.

Nora tells Barry in a dream that the future has changed, and he needs to do something about it.

The Godspeeds ambush Barry while he was helping evacuate City Hall. He has six broken ribs and internal bleeding.

Any electronic signal cannot get out of the city, meaning Cecile can't reach Joe.

Joe and Kristen escaped before Kreyke's pulse rifle hit their car. They escape to the woods while Kreyke hunts them.

Barry tells Caitlin about his Nora dream. She suggests that he travel to the future to check on Nora, but they both agree it's too risky.

John Diggle arrives at S.T.A.R. Labs and brings an entropy trap to help Team Flash stop the Godspeed War. Cisco developed it when the team gave him word of what was happening in the city.

After Caitlin fixes Ultraviolet's voice, Allegra discovers that she wants to go after people that are still associated with Black Hole. Esperanza promises that she won't kill anyone if Allegra helps her.

Allegra promises to help her after the Godspeed War is over, but Esperanza leaves anyway.

Barry and Diggle use the entropy trap to capture one of the Godspeeds. They bring him back to S.T.A.R. Labs.

Joe and Kristen realize that Kreyke doesn't know who he is hunting.

The Godspeed clone tells Barry that he and the other defiant clones are defending themselves against August Heart, who is in Central City in the present.

August wants the clones to bring back more speed for him, and once they do so, they will die. The defiant clones are trying to find August and kill him. If Barry stands in their way, they will kill him too.

The Godspeed clone escapes and destroys the entropy trap. He attacks Barry, but Allegra uses her powers to scare him away.

Barry expresses his worries about Nora in the future to Diggle. Diggle advises him to do whatever it takes to make sure that his family is okay.

Cecile finds places where August could be hiding listed in Nora's journal. She and Diggle are about to go scope them out when Diggle gets a blinding headache. He brushes it off when Cecile expresses concern.

Barry tries to travel to 2049 to check on Nora, but the Godspeeds stop him. He wakes up and finds Deon standing over him.

Deon tells Barry that the Godspeeds are feeding off of the Speed Force energy.

Iris appears and tells Barry that something is causing her to move in and out of their timeline. Deon is helping stabilize her. They leave because Iris starts to phase again.

Barry returns to S.T.A.R. Labs.

Allegra finds Esperanza dying. She dies in her arms. Her body burns into embers.

Joe and Kristen trap Kreyke. He tells them that Kristen died in the explosion.

Diggle, Cecile, and Frost believe they find August Heart, but he doesn't know who he is. They bring him back to S.T.A.R. Labs.

Diggle leaves Central City.

Caitlin gives August a shot that will help his memory resurface. He confirms to them that he is August.

Nora arrives at S.T.A.R. Labs with her brother, Bart.

The Flash
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The Flash Season 7 Episode 16 Quotes

Dad! Something's wrong. Our family, the future...It's all changed. Flash has to do something before it's too late.


Barry: Now all I want to do is run to 2049 and make sure Nora is okay. See with my own eyes that my daughter is safe. But I can't do that.
Diggle: Why not?
Barry: Dig, you know, better than anyone, what could happen if I did. Besides, with this civil war destroying the city, staying here to fight is the right thing to do.
Diggle: No it's not. Barry, I've lived a long life here on this Earth. I've been a spy, a vigilante, a soldier. Hell, I've even been the Green Arrow. Most important job I've ever had is as a dad. And there's not a bullet I wouldn't take, not a timeline that I wouldn't risk changing if it meant protecting my family. I know that now. Lyla, my kids, they're my heart, man. My soul. My entire world. How far would I go for them? As far as it takes. Everything else be damned. Don't be afraid to do the same.