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Dawn and Todd were brought in after a freak car accident, and it emerged that Dawn's baby could not be saved. 

However, Todd had a vasectomy 10 years before and struggled with the news that his wife cheated. 

Despite her pleas that she did not, things took a turn and she was forced to admit it after it emerged she had a chest tumor that made her lose her inhibitions. 

She went through surgery to fix it, but her husband struggled to be there for her. 

A kid whose parents would not get him vaccinations were at odds and Park stole a story from Morgan about her friend's kid to nudge them. 

When the boy's condition worsened, the mother agreed to the vaccination and said that the father gave the green light for it. 

Glassman struggled with his recovery and worried he was losing his memory. It was later confirmed that he was when he and Shaun played mental games. 

Also, Claire apologized to Neil to get back on his team when it emerged that she was looking at other hospitals for employment. 

The pair sorted out their differences and Neil allowed her back on the team. 

The Good Doctor
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The Good Doctor Season 2 Episode 8 Quotes

I knew this couple. They had a child and they were happy… building a life. One day, the husband found out that the wife hadn’t been honest, and it broke their trust. Instead of working it out, they let the deception fester. Eventually, the husband moved out, moved away… He barely sees his kid.


Measles kill, broken homes don’t.
