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Glassman's MRI. Shaun has taken over the scan and has decided that Glassman has a tumor.

Morgan has an ultrasound and her infection has cleared up. She has to decide whether she wants to implant a boy or a girl.

Jared wants to do a surgery that has already been assigned to Park and Asher doesn't want him on it instead.

Meanwhile a man comes in with a severe welding injury -- he is nearly cut in half.

Glassman says he thinks the spot is radiation scarring. He and Shaun argue. The actual doctor stops them and says he wants to do a spinal fluid test to see if it's cancer or not.

Morgan talks to a homeless man who is barely coherent and is caring for a baby, saying the mother is in the hospital. Morgan takes the baby and says she is in heart failure.

Lim wants the residents to find a way to reattach the patient's lower half. Andrews wants to do a radical surgery that Lim doesn't agree with.

Park and Shaun examine the baby and realize she has a narrowing of her aorta. She has Turner's syndrome and she needs heart surgery within the next few days or she will die.

Jared thinks reattaching is too risky. Danny disagrees.  Everyone leaves Jared out of their planning.

Morgan checks on the baby's mother who is recovering from a postpartum infection and is not awake.

A social worker explains that Jasmine is bipolar and all she had on her was a baby bracelet that says Eden. She gives her consent for the baby to have surgery.

Andrews and Lim think they're done but then blood starts spurting and machines start going off.

The baby has serious issues. Shaun wants to do an extensive surgery. There is some question of how risky Shaun's plan is but since the mother is homeless Morgan thinks Shaun's idea is best.

While looking at scans, Perez asks about Jordan and Jared. She doesn't appreciate him being jealous.

Shaun drives Glassman nuts talking about clinical trials for cancer which Glassman insists he doesn't have. Lea asks Glassman if she should be worried. Glassman says not about him.

Meanwhile, Andrews decides that the surgery Lim wants is too risky and that she's not objective because she used to be in a wheelchair. He orders her to do it his way.

The residents come up with a plan. Jared find a study about healing but it was a small sample and not the kind of injuries they're dealing with here.

Lim wants an update. Jared tells her about the study but says he's not confident it will work. No one else agrees and Danny and Jared argue.

CPS has found a mood stabilizer -- is it safe while breastfeeding? Morgan says there's another treatment option.

Glassman tries to give Shaun some advice while shopping for cribs. Shaun thinks he should talk about brain cancer treatments. In 12 hours they will ahve results and need to be prepared. Glassman tells Shaun to stop. Glassman says if he has cancer it's Stage 4 and there is no miracle cure.

Lim argues with Andrews some more. Andrews doesn't trust her or her residents. Andrews claims her job is to make his job easier.

Jared tries to talk to Asher, who accuses him of being a spoiler rich guy who should go home if he doesn't want to do hard work. Jared tell shim ab out a patient who had to have everything removed and he talked his attending into an experimental surgery instead. But the patient died on the table and he left Denver.

Glassman tells Shaun not to get a cat. He says Maddie's mother raised her while he was always working. He doesn't want Shaun to choose work over family. Shaun says they are very different people. Shaun gets a text that the baby nneeds surgery right away. Glassman tells him the sick baby takes priority and he's got this.

The residents are exhausted. Jared comes running in and talking about Lambriginis. He has figured out a solution by looking at their design. Create a cacuum with internal suction deices. Asher thinks it's brilliant.

Andrews is rude to the residents and says the surgery is very risky but surprisingly is willing to give it a try.

Danny worries about the surgery's safety as Lim and Andrews begin. The surgery appears to go well.  Time to move onto pelvic fractures.

Morgan and Park give Shaun competing advice.  Shaun visiualizes what's going on with the baby. He realizes she has leaky vessels because of Turner's syndrome Shaun is thrilled to insert a chest tube.

There appears to be a complication. The patient flatlines briefly and Lim says 1 more minute and then things go back to normal.

After surgery Morgan learns that Jasmine has died.

Next, the patient begins to go into shock and Andrews insists they need to amputate while Jared feels guilty. Jared says to raise the pressure instead. Lim agrees with Jared.

Brady's wife and daughter come. The little girl hugs Lim and thanks her for saving her dad.

Glassman finds Shaun in his office waiting to hear the results. Shaun is thrilled to be wrong -- Glassman is cancer-free.

The residents go to karoke. Jared and Asher perform together. Danny tells Jordan he is a little jealous of her and Jared. But she deserves someone who is ready to fully commit.

Jerme has a case for Shaun that he says will very cool but Shaun says Park should take it so he can finish setting up his nursery.

Andrews tells Lim she did a good job today. He admits he's stressed because he's been under the microscope with the board. Lim tells him if he doesn't trust her, fire her. If he does, stay out of her way.

Lea loves her new nursery. However, Shaun finds Glassman left two screws out and decides that means something is wrong with Glassman's brain even if not cancer.


The Good Doctor
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The Good Doctor Season 6 Episode 19 Quotes

Morgan: What a cute little girl. Girls are cute. Mine will be adorable.
ParK: I'm sure yours will be adorable.
Morgan: Boys can be cute too.
Park: You trying to decide between embryos?
Morgan: I'm leaning toward a girl. I have a playbook to follow.
Park: A lot of the problems I had with Callum came from trying to stop him from making the mistakes I made.

It goes down nearly to the spine. He's nearly cut in half.
