Tapping Teen Power - The Republic of Sarah Season 1 Episode 3
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Greylock is officially cut off by the New Hampshire and Canadian governments. Sarah has to get the U.S. to recognize Greylock as a country but that will take time. Danny encourages his fiancee Piper to go home. Then he gets a call that the borders have been closed. AJ helps Grover pack up his house. She turns away Sarah. Citizens are panic buying. Other leaders are blowing off Sarah because they want the coltan money the governor has promised them. Ellen determines that Piper is Danny's fiancee. Sarah tries again to get Ellen to go to an AA meeting. In a protest, the teens got arrested trying to cross the border and are immediately deported back. Taggert is sending in a SWAT team to reinforce the border. Sarah convinces AJ to make a supply run to Maine by boat. Bella and Tyler realize they're good for each other. Grover burns down his house. Sarah urges him to talk to somebody. The boat sank on the way back and AJ gets arrested. Taggert offers political asylum to Greylock residents and now there's a traffic backup going out of town. That includes Corinne taking a sick Josh to the doctor. Ellen visits Danny. Her hammering on the door causes him to have flashbacks. Piper sends her away with a warning. Sarah streams a message to Greylock's citizens encouraging them to all step over the border to force Taggert's hand. The SWAT team attacks them. Because of the outcry afterward, the borders are reopened. Sarah makes a deal with Taggert that benefits Greylock. Corinne pushes Danny to make up with Sarah. Bella's dad plans to send her to boarding school in Connecticut. Grover and Sarah make up. Ellen attends an AA meeting. Grover talks to Patience. Danny introduces Piper to Sarah. 

The Republic of Sarah
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The Republic of Sarah Season 1 Episode 3 Quotes

[Gov. Taggert] has made it very clear. She's always going to choose profit over people.


Sarah: For now, I'm going to focus on forcing Gov. Taggert to open our border or nobody's getting out of Greylock.
Maya: Nobody's coming in either.