Danny Shares News - The Republic of Sarah
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Greylock is in need of revenue to make repairs after the flood. Sarah needs the coltan money to start flowing. A medical conglomerate is rumored to be buying the senior citizen facility where A.J.'s father lives. Corinne turns her literature class loose on an independent project. Ellen blames Paul's running away for her alcoholism. A bump in world coltan prices means an extra $35 million for Greylock. The congress is deadlocked on spending the windfall on infrastructure or stimulus checks for the citizens. Teacher Corinne comes to Sarah to push for added funding for the the school system. Grover lets Tyler borrow Patience's old movie camera. Adam and Danny get into a fight at a bar. Danny's key chain still had the skeleton light on it, as did hers. Bella becomes Sarah's intern. A.J. tells Sarah about her father's condition and pushes for the stimulus check so she doesn't have to move. Sarah sets up a referendum on how to spend the surplus. Adam takes off with Josh. He's filed for divorce and is seeking full custody of Josh. Ellen gives Corinne legal advice about what Adam did. The poll comes out dead even. Grover watches the footage Tyler had put together of him and Patience. Sarah comes up with a compromise: Combining the hospital and the high school. She'll use the savings to make connections with other countries. Ellen and Paul apologize to each other. Danny checks on Corinne. He sets her up with a divorce lawyer. Grover thanks Tyler for the film and gives him the camera. Corinne and Adam's hearing goes badly. He unloads on Sarah and Greylock. Sarah addresses Greylock's meeting with her plans for the town. Corinne informs Sarah that Danny is Josh's biological father. Corinne runs out. Their fight was broadcast over a hot mic. 

The Republic of Sarah
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The Republic of Sarah Season 1 Episode 12 Quotes

Paul: I came back to see my kids.
Ellen: Oh, did you get bored of running away from them?

I have to say you've grown on me, like a barnicle or a fungus.

Sarah [to Paul]