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Nic goes to Conrad to talk about their relationship. Shs admits that she needs to work on some things but she's all in and so is he.

Conrad gives her the address his father's P.I found for Kyle. They find out that Jessie is going into heart failure and dying and that the kidney can buy her more time. Nic tracks down Kyle and pleads with him again. He's afraid of getting surcery.

Kyle shows up at the hospital and preps for the surgery and Nic is happy with him .

Mina notices Shira behaving strangely. A man comes harassing her and looking for something. Shira is stealing drugs. Mina asks AJ to have her removed from Micah's surgery. Shira works in Kyles surgery instead.

Shira shoots up and then collapses during surgery and pulls out Kyle's tubes and causes an artery to be nicked. They save Kyle.

Nolan finds Shira's bf trying to break into her car and calls the police. They look into her car and see the drugs. Nolan tells Bell and Shira is arrested in the ER.

Jessie's transplant goes well.

Nic thinks about her father. Conrad pages her. When she gets to the room either Jessie or Kyle has coded and Conrad had been trying to perform compressions but whomever is gone.

AJ tells Mina that micah has a new girlfriend and is happier than ever. He also tells her that she deserves better.

Devon and Conrad talk Bell into helping a man brought in who may be uninsured. KIT Comvinces Bell. He connects with the patient.

Kit tells Bell that she is seeing her ex husband now.

Bell signs a deal for a merger with Red Rock Mountain Medical.

The Resident
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The Resident Season 2 Episode 23 Quotes

Conrad: I'm in. I just have one request. I really want those chickens.
Nic: No chickens.

Nic: I've been thinking a lot about us, and I have realized something so just hear me out.
Conrad: Of course.
Nic: Life is hard, and the problems keep coming, and I keep getting to solve them all by myself. Jessie, my dad, our patients...I seem completely incapable of asking for help. I don't know why I do that.
Conrad: Well you lost your mother as a kid --
Nic: I don't need to -- I don't want to make excuses. I want to see the pattern, take responsibility, and change.