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Auggie is making breakfast for the family and considering asking Ruby to the dance.

Texting Trevor brings a big smile to Stella's face.

Walker arrives at Micki's place to see how she's doing after her mother's arrest. Try is taking the kids on their trip to Laredo.

Micki's mom is being detained on hit and run DUI, and she's not buying it even if it would make Walker's life easier. He takes offense.

Liam and Capt. James are in Reynosa, Mexico following the money.

Ruby has a boyfriend, and Isabela pulls him away from an awkward situation. She's been there when someone gives her fireworks but you can't give them back.

Trevor is late to the trip, and when Stella wonders if she should be worried, he has a flashback to his dad.

Bail has cleared for Adriana. She's not happy that Micki bailed her out. She wants to take care of it herself, no calls, no press. She says she did it.

Walker cites Rockem's Radio as Occum's Razor in correlating facts to truth in Adriana's case.

Todd, Auggie, and Trevor do guy things while in Loredo while Todd tries to make wearing shades indoors a thing to get girls. Auggie calls foul. What' the point in doing it if it's not the real me? It makes Trevor think hard.

Captain James uses his manly charms to woo a woman in Mexico for information.

Micki has sweet memories of her mom watching the trains when she was a kid to fall asleep. Then something changed between them. Adriana wanted to protect Micki, and Micki wanted to protect others.

Micki thinks Adriana lied because she's being threatened. When Walker jumps into action, she's surprised that Walker has her six. He takes offense again.

Isabela is on the phone with her parents, and Auggie walks over. Her parents are in Mexico because they were going to be deported, so they left to avoid bringing her into it.

Trevor cannot keep his mind off of his dad. He admits to Stella that he had a talk with his dad and he got under his skin and into his head. The only reason he came here was to be close to his dad, but sometimes, he just wants to get as far away as he understands. Stella understands. It's not their job to inherit their dads' baggage.

Walker and Micki visit with a woman named Mercedes Ruiz. She stands up for Adriana.

Another Austin food truck for lunch. An old friend of Micki's who got his life together.

Micki thinks maybe a cop is blackmailing Adriana for getting him suspended.

Walker sees a lot of Adriana in Micki and tells her so. They both care for people and want to help.

Mendoza's niece makes a play for Capt. James and he gets her digits. She recognized him as the guy who put her uncle in prison.

There is a giant drinking party going on down on the school trip. Isabela calls Todd away so that Auggie can get closer to Ruby. He chose not to wear sunglasses while chatting with her.

Walker and Micki visit Mike Stevenson. He knows all about Micki from Dr. Ramirez. Love interest, maybe? Yep. Love interest. Micki is gobsmacked seeing her mother arrive with steaks.

Liam and Capt. James have been in Mexico for four days, and all she did so far was visit Mendoza's niece. Liam's exasperated that they learned Walker was right all alone. He needs a drink. James joins him. Walker deserves to hear that from them.

Mike says that Adriana's problem shouldn't affect his liquor cabinet. Walker mentions his case, and Adriana pops in with advice that she can probably use herself.

Trey calls Walker. The kids are missing. They must have snuck out. Walker and Micki don't even get to eat steaks. Damn.

The kids are drinking and playing soccer, enjoying themselves when a bunch of rednecks arrive to ride circles around them in their trucks. Redneck number 1 wants to collect a field payment. He eyes the girls. Stella will be the one  to try to score on the old guy. She does, but Redneck number 2 shoots the ball midair. Trevor runs to interfere and gets punched, eyeing the gun that was knocked out of the guys hands even though several barrels are aimed at him.

Useless redneck scenes continue once Micki and Walker arrive. Now the bullets are really flying. One guy gets arrested, and the others split. Trevor trains the gun on Walker, reconsidering and handing it to him butt first.

Redneck says redneck things to Walker who doesn't engage when the guy headbutts him.

Walker is happy to see the kids alive and safe, and they're happy to see him.

Stella sets up a call with Isabela's parents. There are fireworks outside. They're from her parents. They talk by fireworks.

Micki remembers that her mother had someone in the seat with her by the trolley. Mercedes.

Mercedes is Micki's mother and Adriana's sister.

Adriana paid off Mercedes to let go of Micki. Micki's name isn't even Micki. Her name is Nina Ruiz. It was Mercedes driving drunk, but Adriana took the fall.

The next day at practice, Trey announces he's the new head coach and wants the girls to have fun.

Isabela asks Auggie to the dance, and Ruby looks on jealously.

Micki calls Walker, asking him to keep her secret for now. She's not ready for it to be real yet. She's in front of Mercedes' house, but she turns and walks away.

Walker wants to talk to Trevor. He's appreciative what he did for the kids. Trevor thinks he should be thanking Walker for saving all of their lives. Walker says that Trevor is very brave and that not taking the shot was the bravest thing he could have done. It would have changed his life forever.

As James and Liam prepare to leave, they start the car remotely and it explodes.






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Walker Season 1 Episode 7 Quotes

Stella: Hey! Where were you? We almost left without you.
Trevor: Aww. Were you worried?
Stella: Should I be?

Micki: Though, if she were convicted, it would make life easier on you.
Walker: I hope you're joking.
Micki: Walker [sighs]. I'm just ... reeling.