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It's springtime again in Hope Valley.

Nathan drops by to see Elizabeth and reminds her that they never had dinner. She's not ready to say yes, though.

Rosemary and Lee are still away on a big adventure, and Lucas is out of town too. They barely saw each other before he left, and it was clear that something between them had changed.

The time she's had to reflect have made her realize that she cannot continue seeing both of them as romantic interests.

There's a knock at the door. It's Lucas. He wants to apologize for leaving without explanation and without saying goodbye. He admitted to her that when he saw her reaction to Nathan's presence, he let his jealousy get the better of him.

He has sorted things out and would like to tell her more abaout it when he has time. She'd like that.

Clara and Jesse are sleeping in separate bedrooms. But now they're ready to fix it. Clara is exasperated. She runs downstairs and finds Fiona holding things down in the serving area.

Clara is having a hard time with Jesse because Jesse fails to realize he needs to lend a hand. She's working more than one job and acting as his mother.

Carson is very worried. Faith has been on the road and hasn't checked in.

Nathan's brother-in-law is waiting for him in the office. They don't have a pleasant relationship. The guy mentions Allie, and Nathan goes ballistic. The dude is ashamed that he doesn't even recognize his own daughter. A while ago, he ran across an article on the front of the newspaper after the daring rescue.

He wants one grand for Nathan and Allie never to see him again.

Rosemary and Lee ride into town on the stagecoach. Elizabeth is thrilled!!

Carson races up hoping that Faith was on the stage. Nope.

Faith comes flying into town on a wagon with another dude. Her stage broke down, a man named Brett offered her a lift. She's almost unrecognizable in her attitude, and Carson sees it.

Nathan's brother-in-law gets involved with Elizabeth and Little Jack, and Nathan pulls him away.

Nathan is going to see Judge Avery about Allie's adoption. She's so excited, but the timing seems quite poor.

Allie rings the bell to start school so she can share her big announcement.

When Elizabeth asks about the man, Nathan doesn't tell her the truth.

Things are not great between Carson and Faith. She can see that he's feeling icky about how she arrived not THAT she arrived. Her letters and calls got fewer and farther between, so to see her riding into town like that, he thought maybe her feelings had changed.

Bill is trying out a new recipe, and both Fiona and Clara love it. Molly, though, doesn't even know what it's supposed to be. When he finally tastes it, Bill grimaces.

When Lee sees Jesse, he wonders why he's wearing his pants. They're not HIS pants, but plaid pants. Jesse needs to talk. All he does when he gets home is hold his breath. But he doesn't bite on the conversation.

Clara visits Rosemary, crying her eyes out. All Jesse wants is to be left alone to read.

Carson has written a song for Faith, and he plays it for her out by the creek. They've taken time for themselves. He admits he was jealous of the guy on the buckboard. Faith never made it to orchestra hall, so it's something they can do together in the future.

Nathan and Lucas nod to each other cordially, but the look on Nathan's face is anything but friendly.

But, he goes to Lucas for the money to pay off his brother-in-law.

Rosemary and Lee learned to tango. Elizabeth finished her book on her own time, which didn't make Helen Bouchard super helpful.

Elizabeth admits that when she hugged Nathan, she realized she felt more for him than she thought.

Bill is trying to talk Nathan out of doing the wrong thing, alone, no less.

Lucas and Henry are hearing about shooting the well, a way to break up the stuff at the bottom of the well that could speed up the process.

Jesse is reading with his feet up on Lee's desk. Either Terrifying Tales is a real page turner or Jesse doesn't want to go home.

Nathan rides to Elizabeth's to cancel dinner. She tells him to be safe.

Clara catches up with Fiona and Faith. Fiona has been preparing a barber shop. It's her barber shop. She's changing directions in her career.

Lee is exhausted, but Rosemary wants him to stick around so they can troubleshoot Jesse and Clara's marriage. Sending them to South Africa isn't in the cards because they cannot afford the time off. But there is something on Rosemary's magazine that catches Lee's eye. That will do it!

Brother-in-law lassos Nathan off of his horse,w hich he sends on down the trail and begins kicking Nathan. Take care of my little girl, Nathan.

Nathan is walking home when he hears a noise. It's his horse.

Lucas drops by to see Elizabeth. While he was gone, Lucas was helping rebuild a school razed in a hurricane. His gained perspective is that whatever Elizabeth decides, he just wants her to be happy.

Rosemary and Lee talk about Clara and Jesse again. Lee has the gift. It might not solve all their problems, but he guarantees they will have fun.

Fiona is opening a barbershop because it's the place where men talk shop. She wants to be in the know and prove, even if only to herself, that she can be a big wheel without throwing away other people in that process.

Brother-in-law is hiding money when Nathan arrives. His name is Dylan! Nathan had to let Dylan ambush him so that he had growns to put him away. Nathan didn't arrive without backup.

Nathan rides into town and directly to Elizabeth. She seems to be crying. He looks like he's been through the ringer. He'd shower, of course. Since there isn't someone to care for Little Jack, they'll make it a family affair.

Jesse runs back into town with a bundle of daisys for Clara. She has a Terrifying Tales book, and they're going to go home to read together.

Rosemary and Lee arrive on a tandem bike. It's for the newlyweds to spend time together.

Lucas is greeting the stage. His mother is visiting. Elizabeth is, of course, on her way to dinner with Nathan. Lucas is crestfallen. But when Nathan asks if she's ready, she says she'd not feeling very well and wuld like him to walk her home.


When Calls the Heart
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When Calls the Heart Season 8 Episode 1 Quotes

Molly: Um, what's this supposed to be?
Bill: It's chili! My Aunt Ozell's secret recipe.
Molly: Better keep it a secret. Sorry.

Fiona: Clara? What is it?
Clara: All we do is bicker. About anything. About everything. Last night, Jesse even slept in the other bedroom.