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Doc refuses Kate's advances and almost kills Robin in the woods because he needs blood. Jeremy and Robin plan a double date with Waverly and Nicole.

Wynonna agrees to a date with Charlie, but this is interrupted when Doc brings back Robin half-bitten. Wynonna gets Charlie to enclose Doc in a circle of rope soaked in holy water to get him to talk.

Meanwhile, Wynonna confronts Kate at her house in preparation to kill her, but Kate instead tells Wynonna her past with Doc.

Bulshar resurrects Constance Clootie and she searches for something. This interrupts Wynonna and Kate's rendezvous as well as the double date. 

Robin suddenly goes into a trance and licks a potato, whispering things about Bulshar and the woods. He ends up naked in the barn as Constance enters, searching for something.

Nicole finds Bulshar's ring again and catches it, kneeling in the process. Waverly thinks Nicole is proposing to her but instead they must rush off to rescue Robin in the barn.

Bulshar's ring becomes hot and Nicole tosses it, but Waverly is drawn to it and puts it on. It stops glowing and instead she punches Constance away in a massive punch.

Constance goes back to Bulshar with the tarot cards that Doc palmed when he and Kate first met, revealing his future. Wynonna asks Kate to read her cards because her fate is connected to Bulshar.

They reveal the devil, the tower, and the lovers -- together meaning Adam and Eve in Paradise, or the Garden of Eden. Bulshar's ring now also reads "paradise" as Waverly wears it and can't get it off.

Wynonna shoots Constance in a mercy killing and Peacemaker turns blue. When Wynonna meets Doc in the barn, Bulshar appears and blows a strange dust in their faces.

Wynonna Earp
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Wynonna Earp Season 3 Episode 8 Quotes

Dammit. That is a bigger tiny sword.


Jeremy: It's just a super-cazh BGD.
Robin: BGD?
Jeremy: Big gay dinner.