23 Most Captivating Contests in TV History

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16. How to Get Away with Murder

The Contest: Annalise will choose five students to come work with her and they compete with each other to help her win cases.

The Prize: The top student is awarded a trophy that can be handed back to Annalise in order to get out of an exam.

The Winner: The trophy changes hands throughout the season, but Connor is the first to earn it.

17. Bob's Burgers

The Contest: The 1st Annual Best Burger Contest.

The Prize: Pride and free advertising for your restaurant.

The Winner: Though irresponsible Gene came through with the black garlic just in the nick of time, Bob still came up short, losing to Skip Maroosh. However, when he returns to his restaurant, there's a line of customers waiting to try his burger.

18. Modern Family

The Contest: Tie-breaker - Race

The Prize: Valedictorian

The Winner: After being competitive their entire high school career, Sanjay admits that he really likes Alex. On the track, he forfeits to prove his feelings are real and not a ploy to distract her.

19. Dawson's Creek

The Contest: Joey competes in the annual Miss Windjammer beauty pageant.

The Prize: $5,000 for college tuition.

The Winner: Even after a heart-warming rendition of "On My Own," Joey comes in second, but at least she still beat out Hannah, who came in third.

20. Workaholics

The Contest: Pizza-eating competition

The Prize: Free pizza for life!

The Winner: Rancho Cucapizza Pizzeria is known to be piping hot, so Anders, Blake, and Adam decide to pre-burn their tongues with hot spoons so they won't be in pain come competition time. As a result, they scarf down the pizza while their competition tries to suffer through the scalding cheese.

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Grey's Anatomy, Friends, Castle, It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia, Saved by the Bell, Seinfeld, New Girl, The Vampire Diaries, Community, Parks and Recreation, The Big Bang Theory, Orange is the New Black, Brooklyn Nine-Nine, Glee, Bob's Burgers, The Simpsons, How to Get Away with Murder, The Office, Modern Family, Gilmore Girls, Workaholics, Silicon Valley
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