23 Fantastical Characters and Shows That Need Them!!

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13. The Second Beast (Preacher)

Preacher is another TV show adapted from a comic series that isn't lacking in villains from which to draw inspiration. But, like every comic show out there, it wouldn't hurt to keep people guessing, and there is no better villain to help keep Jesse and his companions on their toes than this chimera-esque beast whose sole purpose is to corrupt mankind.

14. La Tunda/ La Patasola (The Outpost)

The infected and the gray skins on this show have made the woods inhabitable for every living thing. As a guardian spirit of the wild, La Tunda will be the perfect teammate to help Talon rid the world of those abominations. Her one-leggedness does not make her any less vicious.

15. Seraphim (Charmed)

With the original including an angel as part of the cast and the reboot likely to have one as well, it's safe to say this show is at least partly drawn from Judeo-Christian mythology. Enter the Seraphim: considered to be in a different class from your everyday Angels and Archangels. Described as the four-faced bearers of God's throne, these fascinating creatures could be a refreshing take on the usual heaven-dwelling creatures.

16. Sango (Black Lightning)

Black Lightning: a black man who can manipulate electricity. Sango: another "Orisha," but this time, it belongs to the lightning god of the African pantheon. It sounds like a match made in heaven.

17. Marduk (Stranger Things)

A Babylonian usurper god who has a long history of walking in and taking over the positions and powers of other beings with special abilities. We don't enjoy seeing Eleven and her friends in danger, but there is no one better to teach this opportunist a lesson on how to be content with what you have.

18. Na Kika (American gods)

Unlike Wednesday and his group, this Micronesian god has been all but erased from memory despite the vital role he played in pulling the islands of the Pacific from the bottom of the sea. We can see this jilted deity returning to lay the hurt on the descendants of those he felt had wronged him.

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Multi-Show, Photo Galleries, The Outpost
The CW, AMC, Starz, FX, SyFy, Freeform, Netflix, FOX, NBC, Prime Video
The Flash, American Gods, Preacher, Charmed, American Horror Story, Wynonna Earp, Legacies, DC's Legends of Tomorrow, Siren, Lucifer, The Magicians, Black Lightning, Midnight, Texas, Arrow, Stranger Things
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