8 Things to Know About "Out of Time"

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What happens on the key Flash episode "Out of Time?" Cycle through these photos to get an idea.

1. What Will Happen?

Brace yourselves, The Flash Fanatics. A lot of awesome craziness is set to go down...

2. Revenge Is Motivator

It's what drives Mark Mardon (aka Weather Wizard, played by Liam McIntyre) to avenge the death of his brother Clyde, who we saw taken down by Detective Joe West earlier in the series. Mardon wants West dead and has some big time weather stunts (hail! lightning!) that can easily do the trick. Watch for some of the most impressive special effects you’ve seen thus far in the show.

3. Cisco and Wells Bond

There's a charming scene showing just how close Cisco has grown to Wells and the family of S.T.A.R. Labs as they watch old movies together. We also find out that Cisco doesn't have the best support system in his own family, specifically with his brother.

4. Inside the Weather Wizard

If you were used to Liam McIntyre playing hero as Spartacus, know he's got a devilish side to his talents, too: "Liam is so great as Spartacus and he’s so great at the villain in this. I think people will probably be surprised at how good he is at playing the dark evil character," Kreisberg said. "We wanted a Weather Wizard who was more in control of his abilities and less beset by them...we've been really blessed with the Rogues and the people that we've found and hopefully building up to one day having a Rogues episode the way we would all love to see it." We’ll see McIntyre more than once this season.

5. Meeting Singh's Better Half

We've heard mention of him peppered throughout the season but we finally get to meet Singh's fiance, Rob, played by Jeremy Schuetze. The context around why we meet Rob in this particular episode is too spoilery... but for those who've been wanting a look, we'll see him in the flesh.

6. Best. Episode. Ever.

Kreisberg says this episode is one that sits above the rest for a variety of reasons: "With no disrespect to any of the other directors or episodes that we have produced, I think this is the best episode that we've done. "Everything that The Flash can do, and I don't mean Barry Allen as the hero, I mean as a TV show, I feel like this episode delivers in spades. It's got amazing visual effects that you just don't see on television, it's full of heart, it's full of romance, it's full genuine scares and it's really just the best version of the show. Between this and Arrow, there's only a hand full of episodes that we, amongst ourselves, say that about and I definitely feel like this is it."

7. Love Triangle Is Alive

Eddie is definitely noticing that the closeness between Iris and Barry seems to be stronger than ever. What does that mean for the couple moving forward? "I think Eddie will always see that there's a relationship between Barry and Iris that he can't compete with to some degree," Patton said. But don't count the good looking blonde out just yet: "I think Eddie is strong willed in keeping Iris in his life. He loves her. He's a good mate for her. He's kind and loving and I think everything that a woman would want in a man and I think Iris knows that. And so we'll continue to see their relationship blossom and also have typical relationship falters." Kreisberg reminded the reporters that Eddie and Iris were together for a good nine months before Barry woke up from his coma, so their relationship may be more solid than we may realize.

8. Flashbacks Are Coming

We’re going to learn more about Harrison Wells coming up very soon via flashbacks. "In episode 17," Kreisberg teased, "we're going to get a flashback story from Tom's point of view, which we're really excited about." Beyond that, we'll also revisit some of the origins of the series itself: "In a future episode, we're actually going to have everyone flashback to that time when Barry was in a coma. You'll see that time from Wells' point of view and Caitlin's point of view and Joe and Iris and you get to fill in a little bit more of the backstory."

9. The Season Finale Is Epic

We're still many episodes away from The Flash season finale, but the cast is already buzzing about how amazing it is. "Our season finale is something to be reckoned with," said Cavanagh, who said episode 15 is going to accelerate things to that end and who added: "Using a racing analogy, the bell lap goes off and this is the start of the first turn and we're down the back stretch and keeps going. It escalates nicely." Patton shared her reaction when she read the script for Episode 15 as well: "I remember when I read this episode, 'Where can we go from here?'"

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The Flash Quotes

Ramsey: You know, I don't understand you Barry. You march towards death without fear, just like mum. Where is it you get your strength?
Barry: Probably the same place she did, people I love.

Where I came from, I was a speedster like you. They called me The Flash.
