13 Fictional Places Where We'd Totally Love to Hang Out

You know those cool places on your favorite show where everyone hangs our for a meal, a cup of coffee or a drink after work? We want to go, too!

13 Characters Who Need To Be Killed Off...Now!

Some started off with potential while others have just annoyed the heck out of us from day one. Check out these 13 characters who need to be killed off...now!

13 Ex-Girlfriends Who Give Crazy New Meaning

The Crazy Ex-Girlfriend may be winning awards, but there were many certifiable TV exes who paved the way for her success! Take a look at our list of nutty ex-girlfriends!

17 Characters Who Should Have Stayed Dead

TV has a nasty habit of brining characters back from the dead. In these cases.. we have no idea why.

12 Worst Shows on TV in 2015

We're daring to go there. We're naming names. We're putting titles on the worst shows on the air in 2015. Well, 12 of them at least. What are they?

19 Praiseworthy Performances from 2015

These are the performances that left us speechless. The actors went above and beyond what their roles required and left behind an episode for the ages.

12 Characters Who Wasted Our Time in 2015

Not every character is beloved, and we've picked out these 12 in particular who wasted our time. Discover the offenders when you peek inside!

13 Ferocious Fights from 2015

Now up in our look at the Year in Review is the best fights to hit the small screen this year. With all the comic book shows on TV, we have some greats!

17 Baddies Who are Just Too Darn Good

Sometimes it's the bad ones that are just so, so good! We've compiled our favorite bad guys and girls and the reasons we love them. Check it out!

Quotables from the Week Ending December 10, 2015

Check out some of the best quotes of the week ending December 12, 2015. Quote of the week goes to iZombie. Give yourself a laugh and find out why!

27 Characters Who Took 2015 by Storm

These 27 characters were the breakouts of 2015. Do you agree with our selections?

Quotables for the Week Ending December 3, 2015

The holiday season may be upon us but we're still collecting quotes! So what's good? Find out when you scroll through our latest slideshow and share with friends!

Once Upon a Time Quotes

It's time for a world up is down, where villains can have happy endings.

The Author

I've yet to see you fail and when you do succeed, well that's when the fun begins.
