17 Most Unstable Characters of All Time

A lot of times our favorite characters happen to be the most unstable ones. We love them and we hate them, but, most of all, we watch them because they add the crazy.

Quotables from Week Ending July 22, 2016

It's the dog days of summer and we're taking a look at the best lines for the week ending July 22. Read on to find out which quotes were the best of the bunch!

13 Terrible TV Families to Make You Thankful for Your Own

Your family might drive you up a wall this holiday season, but we can all give thanks we don't have to sit down to a feast with these small screen families.

9 Summer Shows Worth Saving

The summer of 2015 has been filled with amazing episodes of original TV. Which shows are we rooting for to get picked up for next summer? Read on...

Tyrant Quotes

Check out Grandpa on the billboard.


Barry: Just promise me we'll come back.
Molly: What? Very funny.