25 Fictional Kardashian Crushers: We'd Watch These Reality Shows Right Now!

From melodramatic people to those with a wild sense of humor, many TV characters are unique enough to deserve their own reality TV show. Learn about 25 of our favorites!

17 Most Awkward TV Hugs

Hugs happen in all kinds of relationships on screen, and most of them enhance the connection between the people in it. But then there are those hugs that are just awkward and that you can't even look at.

13 Geeks We'd Like to Take Out for a Drink

Some of our favorite TV characters are the ones who are total geeks. Here are 13 of those geeks we adore so much, we'd love to share a drink with them.

23 Most Captivating Contests in TV History

Check out these photos of TV characters who let their competitve sides get the best of them. The stakes are high, so place your bets and join the fun!

2015-2016 Renewal Scorecard

What has been renewed? What has been canceled? Click through this extensive photo gallery and learn the fate of your favorite sitcom or drama.