30 Rock Review: "Floyd"

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It was great to see "Floyd" back on 30 Rock last night, as Jason Sudeikis' character is definitely worthy of having an episode named after him. What brought Liz's ex to town?

A completely forced Today Show wedding contest, of course.

As absurd as these excuses are to bring people back (i.e. every time Will Arnett's Devon Banks makes an appearance), 30 Rock delivers enough hilarity to make you forget it.

It was cruel and unusual punishment for Liz to see her former flame back in town and soon to be engaged to another woman, so she decided to get revenge ... unwittingly.

Inviting him to the restaurant where she had gotten food poisoning more than once, Liz proceeds to get recovering alcoholic Floyd sloshed off the Jack Daniel's glaze sauce.


Just another day in the 30 Rock writers room.

Floyd proceeds to make an ass of himself on Today, which is fantastic, but he and Liz ultimately reconcile, albeit not romantically. That would have been just too perfect (or forced).

Because Floyd's fiancee doesn’t have many girlfriends (because of her body), Liz agrees to be a part of their wedding. We can only hope that is featured on an upcoming episode.

The episode also featured some moderately amusing subplots, such as Danny getting back at the TGS staff for leaking untrue statements he never made in The New York Times.

Their retaliation involves a news report about 30 Rock being attacked by “a Cloverfield-like monster” who could be evaded if the guys took off their clothes. Filler, but still great.

As for Jenna and Tracy, why are they always together and relegated to a B- or C-plot? Not even their increasingly disturbing fantasies about Kenneth could salvage that portion.

Follow the jump for some classic 30 Rock quotes from last night ...

Jack: Typical liberal media. That's why I get all my news from Dick Cheney's web site, DickViews.com. | permalink
Lutz: Why don't we trick him into kissing me? It would be so funny because I'm not gay. | permalink
Danny: There's going to be a profile of me in The New York Times as filler because of dwindling ad sales. Isn't that awesome? | permalink
Frank: So much of my life was wasted creating hats! | permalink
Liz: The Early Show? What am I, in a hospital? | permalink
Floyd: She's alive! Like a deer who runs and sniffs and jumps and stares. Not like the badger, with her glasses and her rules about weekday sex. | permalink
Floyd: How are you single, Liz? There are so many guys out there who want to be poisoned and yelled at. | permalink
Kenneth: Oh, Mr. Hornberger, always saying hate when he means love. | permalink
Jack: The New York Times doesn't have a reporter named Seymour Nips. | permalink
Pete: It's way too early for this. I haven't even had my first cup of wine yet. | permalink
Danny: I'm not going to win, but it's an honor just to be nominated in the same category as Mr. Dave Coulier. | permalink
Liz: It's like on TV. It used to be you couldn't say crap, then they let that slide and now we can say whatever we want. Douchebag. Asswipe.
Jack: Anal rot.
Liz: Exactly. | permalink

Floyd Review

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Steve Marsi is the Managing Editor of TV Fanatic. Follow him on Google+ or email him here.

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30 Rock Season 4 Episode 16 Quotes

Oh, Mr. Hornberger, always saying hate when he means love.


I'm not going to win, but it's an honor just to be nominated in the same category as Mr. Dave Coulier.
