Scrubs Review: "Our Driving Issues"

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Hopefully you DVR Scrubs or are also a writer for a television site or you might have missed the penultimate episode of Scrubs.  ABC sure did try its hardest to sneak in "Our Driving Issues" last night in a new timeslot without telling a soul.

Unfortunately that's probably a good indication that Scrubs' ninth season will without a doubt be its last.  So how does it look like the show is going out?

Cole has T-Payne

If tonight was any indication, the last two episodes will at least be entertaining.  This week's main storyline was shared between Kelso and Cole as the former found out he will never be able to drive again and the latter learned he had a cancerous mole.

While Ken Jenkins has had nine seasons to perfect his role as Kelso and always reliably bring in laughs, Dave Franco has finally delivered what we needed out of Cole.  While he's always been able to make us laugh with his watered-down version of Aziz Ansari's Ed, his character was just never likable before.

Lucky for the actor, Franco was finally give a storyline which allowed him to show a more human side to Cole.  Just a shame it was at the end of the series.

Meanwhile, the new Scrubs med stars, Denise and Drew were partnered with Dr. Cox for the war of the sarcasm.  The winner?  The audience with laughs.

Overall, it was a pretty decent episode and were curious to see how next week's series finale goes, seeing as how it was written as just a regular episode.  So long Scrubs med just as you're starting to find your groove.

Our favorite Scrubs quotes from the episode are after the jump.

Dr. Cox: Hey talking man baby, come here. I am parked in the ten minute parking zone.
Trang: You want me to move your car?
Dr. Cox: No, I love the space. What I want you to do is pull out of and then back into the space every ten minutes. If you get bored, here's a deck of cards and a ball. | permalink
Cole: Lucy, it's not cancer cancer. That kind of cancer is for uglies and people who put laptops on their balls. | permalink
Denise: What's going on? You texted that someone was coding in here.
Dr. Cox: You texted me, "come and show me your boobs."
Drew: I may have switched those texts, which does raise the question, why did you come, Dr. Cox? | permalink
Cox: About as ridiculous as your five o'clock shadow. There's times I'm doing rounds and I feel like I'm teaching Yasser Arafat.
Denise: Really? I see a slightly gayer George Michael.
Cox: Oh, I so see that.
Drew: Could you please be more alike? | permalink

Our Driving Issues Review

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Rating: 4.6 / 5.0 (5 Votes)

Eric Hochberger is the programmer of TV Fanatic, so please forgive his mediocre writing. His programming is far better. Follow him on Twitter and/or email him. Just don't request threaded comments. They're coming.

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Scrubs Season 9 Episode 12 Quotes

That's exactly what Trang needed. Driving back and forth in the parking lot, reinforcing every stereotype of Asian drivers.


Dr. Cox: Hey talking man baby, come here. I am parked in the ten minute parking zone.
Trang: You want me to move your car?
Dr. Cox: No, I love the space. What I want you to do is pull out of and then back into the space every ten minutes. If you get bored, here's a deck of cards and a ball.