CSI Season Finale Review: "Meat Jekyll"

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Haskell is telling the truth. - Greg
He knows who Jekyll is. - Nick

The season finale of CSI delivered some of best tension of this season.

Let me start by saying that Bill Irwin’s portrayal of the serial killer Nate Haskell is one of the best psycho performances I've ever seen. It actually caused my palms to go cold and clammy for a bit. I believe his performance is on par with Anthony Hopkins in Silence of the Lambs

That said, this amazing portrayal set up a rather disappointing conclusion with the catching of Jekyll on "Meat Jekyll."

Meat Jekyll Scene

The culprit turned out to be the son of a restaurant owner who was effectively throwing a tantrum because his father didn't let him finish medical school. Seemed like a flat and one-dimensional resolution, especially in comparison to Nate Haskell’s eerie and psychotic presence.

However, that minor bit aside, in classic CSI form, the episode really came down to the last 90 seconds of the show, as Haskell attacked Ray and left him lying and bleeding on the floor.

It's a given that Lawrence Fishburne (listed first on the credits, and having signed a new contract) will be back on CSI next year. That really does take some of the suspense out of this cliffhanger.

Also, given that we already know Nick survived his wounds, there really is nobody else in danger. So, overall, it was a bit thin on the suspense for the summer break.  But was still an excellent end to a fairly good season.

Do you agree? Think the show would really write Ray off the show? Did this episode live up to the hype? Comment below and sound off on the episode!

Meat Jekyll Review

Editor Rating: 4.2 / 5.0
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Rating: 4.4 / 5.0 (95 Votes)

Jim G. is a TV Fanatic Staff Writer. Follow him on Twitter.

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