Entourage Review: "Sniff Sniff Gang Bang"

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For the second week in a row, the witty men behind Entourage named the episode after cocaine with our favorite title of the season, "Sniff Sniff Gang Bang."  Instead of combining coke with tequila, this week they did it with a little gang bang courtesy of Sasha Grey.

Vince vs E

So outside of a fantastic title, what did we think of the actual episode?  After two strong episodes, including some Sloan side boob, we were a little disappointed with this week's installment.

Vince's downward spiral seems almost as forced as Sasha Grey's acting.  No wonder the legitimate acting gigs are not pouring this girl's way -- she can barely play herself.  Go do the gang bang and break up with our Air Walker.

Sorry, random Sasha rant over.  Where were we?  Oh yes, Vince's forced spiral.  So, we've gone from adrenaline junkie to a drug addict that's suddenly standing up to everyone from E to Dana Gordon.  That's not our bland, spineless blob we've come to love. 

Apparently in Entourage land, we've experienced some character growth this season.  Not interested in that attempt until we send Adrian Grenier to acting school.  '

In other inconsistent news, how did Mrs. Ari never realize the foul language that came out of Ari's mouth until now?  We've seen him go off on people in front of her all the time!  Oh, she's so embarrassed, blah blah.  We're gonna go send her the first six seasons of Entourage on DVD and tell her to shut up because that is one hundred percent the man she married. 

Thanks for wasting five minutes of our episode on that crap.  At least it led to one of Ari's best rants with Dana and an always amazing cameo by Jeffery Tambor.

Speaking of cameos, we're bringing back the awards from last week.  Best cameo goes to the recurring Tambor, most shameless to Kevin Love, and we'll give an honorable mention to Mark Cuban.  Dude can't act to save his life, but he hilariously brought one half of Mr. Show as his business partner.  That's gotta count for something.

Oh and I guess we need to mention the Turtle plot.  I don't want to come across as too negative here so... uhh... at least Alex wears really short dresses.

Now for some Entourage quotes to make you smile after our rant of a review:

Ari: If you don't want to talk and you don't want to have sex, what else is there to do in here?
Mrs. Gold: Do you want to talk?
Ari: I'd rather have sex. | permalink
Lloyd: I always imagined a double teaming would be more fun than that. | permalink
Billy Walsh: Vince and your body double down the hall there were doing a little sniffle sniffle at the party the other night. | permalink

Sniff Sniff Gang Bang Review

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Rating: 2.9 / 5.0 (15 Votes)

Eric Hochberger is the programmer of TV Fanatic, so please forgive his mediocre writing. His programming is far better. Follow him on Twitter and/or email him. Just don't request threaded comments. They're coming.

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Entourage Season 7 Episode 8 Quotes

I always imagined a double teaming would be more fun than that.


Ari: If you don't want to talk and you don't want to have sex, what else is there to do in here?
Mrs. Gold: Do you want to talk?
Ari: I'd rather have sex.