Parenthood Review: "I'm Cooler Than You Think"

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Parenting is hard!  Some say it is the most difficult thing you will ever do in your lifetime and Parenthood portrays an honest projection of how challenging it can really be.

On “I’m Cooler Than You Think," the Braverman siblings learned to deal with the honest, everyday struggles of parents.

I'm Cooler Than You Think Scene

Crosby couldn’t get enough time with his son, and Rene wasn’t planning on helping him along.  It looked as if she was trying to hold back the time he had with Jabbar.  Why would this Grandma be so rude and unkind? 

Turns out, her husband abandoned Jasmine when she was a little girl.  She was trying to protect Jabbar from future heartbreak.  Still, she really did cross the line.

I loved the way Crosby stood up for himself, making it perfectly clear to Grandma his intentions were to be there for his son.  Good job new, daddy!  I know you will be an excellent father, and look forward to seeing how things pan out for your new family in the future.

Haddie decided to run for student council president and told her parents of this decision.  They, of course, were extremely proud of her and couldn’t wait to help her win the election.  Especially Kristina, which ended up just aggravating Haddie. 

Haddie blew up on her mother and actually made her cry.  Can we say what a spoiled ungrateful little brat Haddie has turned into!  You should be so lucky, having a mother that wants to help you whenever you need.  Do you think Haddie was out of line or Kristina too overbearing?  Whose side are you on?

Adam loves his son dearly and wants to build a relationship with him.  Max just wants to play his video game and keep to himself.  I am not sure how Adam can bond with Max, especially with his disability.  Our advice for the wonderful father: be there when Max needs you and love him with all that you have.

Things end up working out, partly because Adam insisted on spending special time with his son.  We really hope Max overcomes his disability and learns to socially interact with others, especially those that love him the most, his family.  Adam is an excellent father that wants to have a bond with his son.

Sarah, once again, has a new potential love interest in her life.  Mike helped Sarah get into a cool secret concert and back into the good graces of her daughter Amber.  This adorable new man has a lot of promise and we think things might work out for these two.

And then there is Julia and Joel.  Julia has been pushing her desires to have another baby, really without any consideration for her husband.  I don’t think she even once asked Joel what he wanted.

We were glad to see Joel finally stepping up and explaining to Julia his true feelings, that he wants to rightfully have a say in what happens in their lives together.  In the end, everything worked out and soon there should be the pitter patter of a new baby running around!  Do you think Joel made the right decision in agreeing to have a baby?  Do you think he is once again giving up his dreams for his wife’s? 

Until next week, here are a few funny Parenthood quotes to keep you smiling:

Zeek: We are his grandparents too, we have a say in it.
Crosby: Well, I'm his dad and I don't have a say in it.
Zeek: Oh I see, well your balls will still be here when you get back.
Jabbar: What balls? | permalink
Rene: You go to church?
Crosby: Oh yeah, the Bravermans have a very rich spiritual lineage. We're ah, 4/10th Jewish, vaguely Catholic, and I'm told 1/16th Cherokee even, and we had a communist atheist grandpa. | permalink
Kristina: Everybody raise your glass. My daughter Haddie Braverman is running for junior class president.
Adam: That's right, following in her father's footsteps.
Julia: Excuse me, your foot steps?
Adam: Yeah.
Julia: I was class president.
Kristina: I wrote speeches.
Crosby: Student council nerds are going to have a nerd off! | permalink

I'm Cooler Than You Think Review

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Parenthood Season 2 Episode 3 Quotes

It's not fair of you to hold a grudge against me for some crap your husband did years ago. I'm here for my son and I'm not going anywhere. You're going to have to deal with that.


Joel: If we're going to have another baby Julia there has to be room for me. You can't be the one making all the plans and I just, I can't be the yes man.
Julia: I know, I do.