Life Unexpected Review: "Team Rebounded"

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Last night's episode of Life Unexpected left us with one main question regarding Lux's past: Who in the world is that woman from Lux's former years that calls herself "mom?!?"

We know Lux lived with her for two years and something must have happened to Lux because when she made contact with this woman again she knew that she did not want Tasha living there.

Gym Class

What makes this so strange is the lovely letter Lux got from her previous foster mom. If this woman is so bad, why would she write such a heartfelt letter?! What's the story here?

"Team Rebounded" focused mostly on the classic saying: That there is no I in TEAM. This holds true to many story lines in last night's episode.

First, Cate and Ryan's marriage. Marriage is a committed union that they both entered into on their own free will and hopefully out of love. Cate has a tendency to make big decisions without consulting Ryan. Thankfully, Ryan finally stood up for himself and told Cate that if she didn't want children one day, there would be no sense in them being together.

I had a feeling that Cate would say she wanted kids just to appease Ryan, but I didn't think she would stoop to treacherous acts like sneakily taking her birth control pills so she won't get pregnant. This deceitful act will most definitely blow up in her face.

Lux and Tasha also showed that two is stronger than one. Whatever Lux's reasons for not wanting Tasha to live with that woman worked out because Tasha was able to get her independent living with Cate and Ryan's supervision. I am happy to see Tasha back and I think she will bring a lot of character development from Lux's past.

The basketball game proved that these chicks went out to have fun. That maybe winning is not everything and team comradeship is an essential part in playing the game - and in life. As cheesy as the scene was with Baze giving them his speech, I did think he had some useful tips to team. Plus, who doesn't love a good pep talk?

I found it interesting that Paige is such a man-eater. First Baze, then Math (how can you blame the guy for thinking that she liked him), and now it looks like she's putting the moves on Eric. Way to make the situation into a 90210 kind of love triangle.

Does anyone like Kelly? I find her not only to be annoying, but vengeful, too. There definitely is something up here sleeve and my guess would have to be her trying to get in between Ryan and Cate.

Overall, I do really love this show and I can see many new and captivating storylines coming our way! What did you think of last night's episode? Sound off below, I love hearing from you!

Until next week, here are a few of my favorite Life Unexpected quotes:

Tasha: (to Cate and Ryan) I can't believe that you guys would do that.
Lux: I can. | permalink
Tasha: (about Math and Paige) He's taking this really hard. She's out of his league. | permalink
Lux: Stop! I think I just broke my butt! | permalink
Ryan: (to Cate) It's actually very simple. Either you want to have a kid with me or your don't. And if you don't I don't know why we got married in the first place. | permalink
Ryan: You ever think that the next kid that comes into this house, I'd want to be mine? | permalink
Baze: (to Paige) Why are you always half naked? | permalink
Kelly: We are friends, right?
Cate: Absolutely. | permalink
Cate: Okay! I got it. Everything's my fault. | permalink

Team Rebounded Review

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Sup roomies.


Let's have realistic expectations.


Life Unexpected Season 2 Episode 4 Music

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