Weeds Season Finale Review: Putting Plan C in Motion

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"Theoretical Love is Not Dead" made me realize why I love this show so much.

Weeds Finale Pic

We kick off just where we left off last week: Nancy is in the reporter's room with Esteban and Guillermo.

Before you know it, they knock her out and she comes to in the trunk of Esteban's sedan with the reporter who is dead. Yikes! My first thoughts: How in the world is she going to get out of this pickle?

I swear I had tears in my eyes when Shane, Andy, and Warren head to the airport after saying goodbye to Silas. Given the dose of reality he just got, it's quite understandable that he wouldn't go with them to Copenhagen.

I don't blame Silas for his choice. Since his non-biological dad died, life's been pretty turbulent. Maybe staying with Lars, he could settle down and have a normal life? Who knows?

Nancy did make it clear to us that she knew that Judah wasn't Silas's dad after all. All along I was hoping for her to be just as surprised as we all were, but as it turns out, she never fails at being a horrible person. Well done Nancy. Well done.

I do have to hand it to the lady, though. When Nancy gets to the airport with Esteban and Guillermo, she really does think fast. After telling Andy that it's time to go to plan C, she's able to get away from her crazy husband and thug, just in time to say goodbye to Shane and Andy at the gate.

What really came as a surprise to me was seeing Silas with Esteban and Guillermo. First off, Silas couldn't stay away from his crazy family. All for one, eh blonde? Secondly, how on earth did Esteban and Guillermo get away from security into the gated area?

After being held for suspicious reasons, why would security let them buy tickets? This is just poor plot development. Still, it was a very touching moment when Silas told Esteban:

Silas: Please, when you kill her, just let us know, for closure. | permalink

So Silas joins the guys to head to Copenhagen. Naturally, the police raid the plane before take-off and arrest Warren. What I don't get it why would they let him leave his suspicious wedge to Shane? And why didn't customs stop him before boarding? Wouldn't they have noticed that the wedge was filled with cash? Another hole in the storyline, don't you think?

The episode ends in the only way it could end, with Nancy making it out alive. She got Andy to call the police and her plan C included turning herself in. What a great ending to a somewhat mediocre season.

I love this show and can't wait to see how Nancy and the boys plan on reuniting. I felt like this whole season was just a filler for what's to come. Now that the police have her captured, what will Esteban do?

Until next season, here are a few of my favorite Weeds quotes from tonight:

Nancy: How bout a farewell f**k?
Esteban: That's crass. And that will not save you. | permalink
Shane: Couldn't stay away, huh?
Silas: Like you always said, I'm not very bright. | permalink
Shane: She's not coming is she?
Andy: No, she's not. | permalink
Nancy: I'm the downfall of all Botwin men. | permalink
Nancy: I can't believe you let him stay.
Andy: I can't believe you don't understand why. | permalink
Warren: I loved her and then she out grew me, then she came back. | permalink
Janitor: (to Nancy) Did Mister Freaky Shoes do that to you? | permalink
Guillermo: Dead hoes tell no tales. | permalink
Nancy: Owe! God! I remember when you used to spank me and it was sexy. | permalink
Nancy: Hola mi amor. Guillermo. | permalink

Theoretical Love is Not Dead Review

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Weeds Season 6 Episode 13 Quotes

(to Shane) Please please. Choose to not be a dick.


Hola mi amor. Guillermo.
