House Review: We Can't Be Heroes...

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While guest stars dominated the first House episode of 2011 - Candice Bergen as Cuddy's mom, Matthew Lillard as a patient, Sprague Grayden as his wife - "Larger Than Life" really belonged to Taub.

The most interesting of House's underlings, Taub is a unique individual. He's a sullen, insecure, self-deprecating man. He's also really good at his job and willing to stand up to his boss at all times.

Hi, Cuddy's Mom!

Unlike attempts by the show to get me to care about the personal lives of Chase and Foreman, I've found myself invested in Taub's troubled marriage and would have liked to have seen this week's dilemma carried out a big longer.

What would you do with a happy, loyal wife, always wanting to having sex and clearly in love with you, who often opened up to another guy online?

I could have seen Taub going back and forth on that dilemma (while receiving humorous advice from Chase) for a few weeks, but was still satisfied with the somewhat rushed conclusion here of a divorce. It's safe to assume we'll at least see the ramification of that decision play out for Taub, which gives him something to do on the show other than differentiate.

As for the drama's main relationship, Huddy may have their moments (loved her speech about how you "average" the misery together in a relationship), but the series still doesn't know what to do with these two.

When we last left them, Cuddy was really mad at House for lying to her at work. It was an annoying, forced reaction, but it was even more irritating to see the fight seemingly resolved during the hiatus, unbeknownst to viewers. I'm also not too ashamed to admit I was a huge Murphy Brown fan back in the day, but I'm not sure what Bergen added to this storyline.

We've seen strict mothers criticize their daughters and ask awkward questions of their boyfriends on pretty much every show out there, haven't we? Granted, this is the first time we've seen said mother sedated by said boyfriend.

Overall, a solid return episode, but nothing special. Check out the best House quotes from "Larger Than Life" and sound off: What did you think?

Larger Than Life Review

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Rating: 4.4 / 5.0 (78 Votes)

Matt Richenthal is the Editor in Chief of TV Fanatic. Follow him on Twitter and on Google+.

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House Season 7 Episode 9 Quotes

We finally know what Tuab would look like if he were life-size


Taub: I was mugged once. When I saw the gun, my legs went out.
Dr. Chase: I always thought it was fight or flight. Didn't know it was fight or flight or faint.