CSI Review: Habitat for Inhumanity

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What makes a house a home? Is it the love we feel for each other? Is it the care and attention we put into decorating it? Or, as in the case of the Hicks family, is it the number of deaths that that occur because of it?

Once you can look past the ignored logistics of moving a house (permits, detaching it correctly, neighbor notifications, time to plan, etc.) "Stealing Home" was a unique and entertaining twist on the typical “who done it” story we tend to get with CSI. This is even truer when you add in the twist like Debbie not being dead, the guy in the wall not being Walter, but finding out that the guy in the wall was Marla’s real father.  

Nick Introducing Finn to Hodges

And no respectable episode about a moving (or flying) house is complete without a nod to The Wizard of Oz. The legs with bring red sneakers sticking out from under the house. Classic!

Beyond the weekly story, what really made this episode for me was getting to see Finn begin to fit into the team. I loved the zinger she had with Hodges about his tentacle porn, a nice tease from the first episode this season, and who doesn't love a woman who can wield a chainsaw?? 

The big news we learned was that DB did fire her in Seattle from Greg. DB must be one helluva boss to come work for him again after being let go. When I think about it, I can count on one finger the number of bosses that fired me I would work for again, and then it would be reluctantly at best.

I think Elisabeth Shue did a great job on her second outing. The final scene with DB where they discussed how great the team was and how they both didn't want history to repeat itself set up some foreshadowing for future episodes.

What I’m most curious about is if we are going to see a romantic connection to anyone in the lab. My bet would be on Hodges. I know some will disagree, but she seems to like the brainy type and after Wendy leaving Hodges deserves a full blown romantic involvement.  

What do you think? If you could, who would you pick to romantically pair up with Finn? Nick? Greg? Brass?! Or am I just suffering from post-Valentine Days withdrawals and hoping for romance when I shouldn't?  

Stealing Home Review

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Rating: 4.3 / 5.0 (27 Votes)

Jim G. is a TV Fanatic Staff Writer. Follow him on Twitter.

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CSI Season 12 Episode 15 Quotes

Hodges: 528, that's the right address
Nick: As opposed to the other houses that were stolen last night?

Sarah: Your saying when you went to work last night your wife was in the house and now they are both missing.
Dwayne: Yes, that is what I'm trying to tell you people!
Nick: Think someone was after the house or the wife?