Community Review: A Shared Psychosis

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This week's Community picks up two months after the study group was expelled from Greendale following the riot at Starburns' memorial. In "Curriculum Unavailable," Abed is believed to be mentally unhinged and is sent to mandatory therapy for trespassing on Greendale's property.

Of course, as we all know, Abed is normally the one who has it right while everyone else just takes a few steps to catch up. 

Abed Stares At Britta

Let's just get this out of the way, Britta has definitely been drunk enough times to know that organic, all natural, health food is not going to take care of a hangover. If anything, Troy's bagel bite and Dorito casserole will probably do the trick. In fact, it sounds really good. Also, how awesome is the picture of Britta after a peyote trip? Love it.

So obviously everyone is still taking the expulsion pretty harshly. I can't believe two months has gone by! Poor Dean Pelton, who knows where he could be by now? Knowing him, he probably developed Stockholm Syndrome and is putting on productions with his kidnappers. Britta's comment about him cobbling a Patty Hearst costume was so dead on. For the exact line, go to our Community quotes section.

A lot of people would look at an episode that mostly takes place in one room - with a lot of flashbacks - to be kind of a filler, but I actually really loved this. These weren't really flashbacks, either considering they weren't scenes that we've seen before. They also brought the group closer together. And it made everyone realize how integral Dean Pelton really is to the study group - and not just because of his fantastic costumes.

I've broken down the memories into ones I loved and ones I could leave:

Love Em':

  • Annie's version of Troy, Abed, and Annie in the morning
  • Abed narrating Pierce's lunch by pretending he was writing a novel on him
  • The Dean playing people chess to determine parking.
  • The Dean White Fanging a girl who was wearing the same outfit as Annie.

Leave Em':

  • The lame wig party.
  • Advanced breath holding.
  • Pierce's celebratory 10,000th flush. Just ew.
  • Chang tasering his balls.

If tonight's episode were to be a series finale, which thankfully it's not since it's been confirmed that Community has been renewed, the whole twist that everything was really a figment of their imagination while in a Greendale mental institution would've been AWESOME. Alas, it was not.

So what were your favorite memories? Will the study group be able to find Dean Pelton before it's too late? Hit the comments!

Curriculum Unavailable Review

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Community Season 3 Episode 19 Quotes

Abed won't go to any kind of doctor on his own. Last year we caught him trying to remove his own tonsils.


Hello rich people? Troy's joining you, yes I'll hold.
