30 Rock Review: Wasting Away Again

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When one of the funniest bits is the voiceover guy making a joke about the DVR cutting off his promo for next week's episode, you know it wasn't one of your best outings.

30 Rock took on the quickly arriving election in "Unwindulax," and for the most part it was more pleasant than funny. Gary Cole, his gang of drunks and their play on Jimmy's Parrotheads didn't hurt anyone, but it didn't force anyone to fall out of his/her seat either.

Liz & Jack Square Off

Other than a few humorous quotes from Jackie D about rich people being the best, the political story wasn't all that interesting up to a point. That point was when everyone came to realize that the next President of the United States was going to be hand selected by Jenna Maroney.

Again, it was all that hilarious, but it was definitely rewarding. As in, I felt good about watching the 20 minutes of lead up to get such a satisfying ending. The fact that Jenna and her crazy colada drinking, beach ball-throwing fans were going to have all the power was pretty ridiculous, and ridiculous is what 30 Rock has always done best.

What they're not succeeding at is keeping Liz Lemon enjoyable. I know I liked this character when the show started, so I really want to figure out if she changed or not over the years.

For example, in the early going, did she just say random things she was doing like "fast forward noise" in this episode? If so, I'd like to go back in time and see if past me found that funny because present me thought it was the absolute worst.

What wasn't the worst was watching Kenneth and Lutz go crazy over Lutz's dear relative Kellan Lutz of Twilight fame. Neither was Tracy checking up on his friend the mouse in Liz's office.

Below are some of our favorite quotes from "Unwindulax." Check them out, hit up our 30 Rock quotes section, and then let us know if you loved or hated this episode in the comments.

Reginald: Donaghy, still over at NBC with all those communists and homosexuals?
Jack: Reginald I believe you're thinking of the White House. | permalink
Liz: I hope it's gay...male gay, because with the ladies it's too much hiking. | permalink
Jack: We have to spend all of our wonderful money and help my hair mentor Mitt Romney become the 11th legitimate President of the United States. | permalink
Tracy (to Liz): Don't give up. That is not the Lisa Loeb I know. | permalink
Tracy: Like any penis, Florida is very complicated. | permalink

Unwindulax Review

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Dan Forcella is a TV Fanatic Staff Writer. Follow him on Twitter.

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30 Rock Season 7 Episode 4 Quotes

I hope it's gay...male gay, because with the ladies it's too much hiking.


Reginald: Donaghy, still over at NBC with all those communists and homosexuals?
Jack: Reginald I believe you're thinking of the White House.