Castle Round Table: "The Way of the Ninja"

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It takes a ninja to catch a ninja…or maybe just an overly exuberant Rick Castle who couldn't be happier that there were ninja look-a-likes flying about. 

Below, TV Fanatics Jim Garner, Chandel Charles, and Robin Harry are joined by Angie from the Castle Fan Forum the 12th to give their take on Castle's solution for boredom and to choose the funniest moment of Castle Season 6 Episode 18.

What was the funniest moment of the episode?

Jim: The very end when Rick pulled the shuriken out of his phone and it slipped and hit Gates off camera. I literally did a spit take. 

Chandel: I was Castle trying to explain to Kate what happened with the Geisha. Telling me a ninja attacked would not have worked either!

Robin:  Ryan's karaoke!!  He was having a little too much fun with "What I Like About You", and the look on Esposito's face was priceless.

Angie: "Bec-kettttt .... Ninja ... stole the murder weapon." Does it get any more classic Castle than that? Love it!

Did you think the killer was actually a ninja?

Jim: Did I think the killer was dressed in all black, face covered and good at martial arts? Yes. Was he a "real" ninja following the ancient code? No.

Chandel: No, just an extremely talented martial artist. I am sure they have skills on par with the ninjas of the past!

Robin: I'll admit, I did. I think the comic book nerd in me really wanted it to be a ninja. I mean, come on, they were throwing shuriken!

Angie: Maybe I'm just woefully uneducated about Japanese culture, but I honestly don't know what differentiates a "real" Ninja from the black-clad, stealthy, sword-and-star-weilding, martial arts experts in the episode. If it's just that the title is now relegated to history and folklore, then no, I was not expecting the resurrection of a centuries-old mythological figure.

What did you think of Castle's solution for avoiding boredom once they're married?

Jim: Many of Kate's examples were about being "comfortable," not "bored." My wife and I have been together for 14 years and we're not bored, take this conversation. We like to joke about juniper bushes and George Bushes. Good times.

Chandel: I tend to agree with Jim on this one. While I am not married, I imagine that as long as we're comfortable and ourselves we won't be "boring" because my boyfriend and I seem to really enjoy the relationship we have right now. Besides, we all can't be engrossed in compelling crime fighting like Rick and Kate!

Robin: I'm very single, so my opinion isn't as informed as everyone else's. However, I'm a bit more practical than romantic, and I would hope that my future husband has a better answer to that than "just put it in our vows." 

Angie: Having been married for 10 years, I firmly believe boredom is a very preventable problem that happens when couples forget to tend to their relationship. So yes, I applaud Castle for being proactive and committing to keeping the fun and romance alive. But like he said, I doubt boredom will be a problem for them!

Do you prefer the light hearted Castle episodes of the more dramatic episodes?

Jim: Yes, without one the other doesn't have the same impact. I'm glad they do light-hearted episodes like this to balance the show.

Chandel: I appreciate a good mix of both. We know what the cast is capable of in both respects and it's nice to see them play in both worlds.

Robin: I do prefer the light-hearted episodes, but I like there to be a balance between the two, and the cast is great at both. 

Angie: I'll take my Castle any way I can get it. For me, the genius of the show is it's flawless ability to blend both types of episodes. I have favorites in both categories.

What was your favorite scene or quote from this Castle Season 6 episode?

Jim: See answer one. Spit take, people!

Chandel: Again, I am with Jim on this one, where Castle is messing around and gets scolded by Gates. Classic.

Robin: I'm with everyone else on this - the final scene where Castle pulls the shuriken out of his phone and gets yelled at by Gates. Hilarious.

Angie:  It was such a classically entertaining Castle episode all around, but if I have to choose, it's hard to pass up range of emotion on display at the loft after their respective night out. The way that entire scene was dealt with was honest, sincere, and so very real.

C. Orlando was a TV Fanatic Staff Writer. Follow her on Twitter.

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Castle Season 6 Episode 18 Quotes

Castle: Our killer is a ninja.
Beckett: Or he is just an athletic person with a hooded track suit.

This place is seriously creepy for a cookie factory.


Castle Season 6 Episode 18 Music

  Song Artist
Sexy Miss Amani iTunes
Wild Thing The Troggs iTunes
What I Like About You The Romantics iTunes