Chicago PD Review: Broken on the Inside

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The Intelligence Unit went through another rallying cry on Chicago PD Season 1 Episode 7, as Justin found himself as the driver to a murderer.

This installment shined a spotlight on Antonio and his dealings with Erica. She tried to use Antonio's straight and narrow, good cop morals as best she can to get Voight under her thumb - and at one point it looked like she would succeed.

Antonio's trust in Voight is slowly breaking and he's beginning to make plans for a time when Voight isn't going to be around anymore. 

Voight attemped to use Diego as leverage to get Antonio to rally around their cause, but it was not until Olinksi refused to pick sides that Antonio began to put together the pieces.

It's not all about following the law to the letter in Voight's unit, and it's not about trying to serve justice in conventional ways. It's about getting results. 

Antonio can argue with the methods, but he can't argue with the results. Rallying to find Diego, and Olinski willing to keep his neck out for Voight, speaks volumes; plus, Erica is no saint either.

She ended up destroying one of Antonio's partners a few years back as she climbed the ladder. She too is not as clean as she likes to believe, and, just like Voight, her actions have real consequences. Karma came back to bite her. 

Justin's role in everything ended up being pretty cut and dry. Voight was willing to risk his career for him again by burying the case and the blackmailer. He finally figured out that what Justin needs are tools he can't give him.

He lacks commitment and self-discipline and maybe the army will be the right spot for him, but Justin does need some kind of self-imposed structure and routine in his life. His mom's dead has really gotten to him and Voight and Erin can't fill the hole he's dug himself in with second chances and risking their jobs. 

Elsewhere, Adam was sharing his life with his fiancé a little more, but he didn't mention how much time and attention he's giving to Burgess. Maybe Adam is just bored in the office, but he paid a lot of attention and did many nice things for Burgess all with a little bit of flirty banter.  I'm not relationship expert, but that's never a good sign.

Will Erica be back?

The Price We Pay Review

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