Parks and Recreation Review: Banger Test

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Tonight's Parks and Recreation Season 6 Episode 18 felt much like an in-between installment.

Not much happened to move any plot forward, and while I typically love a good thirty-forty something prom episode, I feel like this one was slightly wasted.

Think of the potential of a great dance episode of this show! Perhaps it's because there are no potential love interests on the series anymore that there wasn't the tension I'd normally look for in an outing like this. 

Plus, like I said, there was no real forward motion on any storylines.

But, hey, I can't overlook another episode that shows some real character growth, and there was no small dose of that tonight, especially with Tom and April.

Remember Tom and April at the beginning of the series? Granted, their characters weren't as well-developed as they are now, so it's easy to say they've grown into themselves, but really, both of them have done a lot of growing up in the series.

Even though it's not in Tom's personality to give up what is cool and current for his age demographic, Ben really showed him that he doesn't need to stretch himself to keep up with every age of cool.

After all, Tom is an adult and has his own life, complete with new business ventures. And when that logic of Ben's didn't quite sell Tom, all Ben needed to do was remind Tom of just how much old he is. And Tom feels immense relief immediately; it's true - Ben will always be older than Tom. 

As for April, it's always nice to see her insecure side come out. And I'm not saying that to be mean! But with any character like April, it's always great to witness her a little uncertain of herself; it makes the rest of us feel much more human.

And how awesome was it when Andy declared high schoolers as total idiots? It's true of course, but the statement couldn't have come from a better source.

Which brings me to Leslie. Ron teaching Leslie a lesson is not anything new, but I love it every time. Ron's infinite wisdom is something I count on as a viewer, and as usual, he didn't let me or Leslie down.

Leslie will grapple with the decision to leave Pawnee and this episode demonstrated the ripple effect of her fear of leaving home. I get it. I'm torn, too! I don't want the Parks department to separate, but I do want Leslie to do what's best for Leslie. And it's time.

Until next week, answer this question: Did you enjoy your prom?


Prom Review

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Parks and Recreation Season 6 Episode 18 Quotes

I did a show called Zoot, Zoot Wyatt in college.


Leslie: Will you go to the prom with me?
Ben: Why, I thought you’d never ask…because we’re 40.