Parks and Recreation: Watch Season 6 Episode 18 Online

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On Parks and Recreation Season 6 Episode 18 , Tom served as as DJ at the senior promo, while Leslie showed off her high-pitched helium infused voice and April tried to sabotage the event.

What could be better? 

Meanwhile, Leslie's total high school Doppelganger turned up and Leslie wants to recruit her very badly. But Ron knows her too and would love to keep her out of an unpaid government job. Ron and Leslie competed for her - who will end up getting her to work for them?

Additionally, Tom and Ben battled for the respect of high school students in the form of DJing. It's hard to imagine who would end up winning the admiration of high schoolers, but you'll have to watch Parks and Recreation online to find out. 

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Parks and Recreation Season 6 Episode 18 Quotes

I did a show called Zoot, Zoot Wyatt in college.


Leslie: Will you go to the prom with me?
Ben: Why, I thought you’d never ask…because we’re 40.