Castle Season 7 Episode 9 Review: Last Action Hero

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Rick got to live his boyhood dream on Castle Season 7 Episode 9 - even if his hero turned out to be a goat herder. 

Castle and Beckett on Set

There was lots of fun to be found in "Last Action Hero" but much of the joy was in seeing it all through Castle's eyes. He loved cheesy, '80s action movies and Lance DeLorca was his hero as he explained to Ryan and Esposito in this Castle quote

Castle: I was raised by a single mother. Hard Kill was how I got my bro time.
Ryan: That explains so much.

Yes, it really does. 

The moment Castle found out the man he'd spent his formative years idolizing was never actually a member of Spanish special forces but a lowly goat herder, he was crushed. 

It's difficult to find something that rivals Rick Castle's pouty face when it comes to cuteness and he was pretty darn adorable as he leaned against that doorway and lamented to Beckett that his hero was both a liar and a goat herder. Sometimes heroes fall, hard.

But Lance turned out to have more real action hero in him than expected as he attempted to save the biological son he never knew he had. Too bad it got him killed by an enemy he probably never saw coming. 

One of the sweetest moments was when Castle thought Beckett wasn't going to allow him to go out for drinks with the aging action heroes because it would impede the investigation…

Kate: Castle, you really think I could stand between you and your boyhood dream?
Castle: You are my boyhood dream.


The '80s action movie theme turned out to be great fun. I've watched plenty of them and I almost laughed out loud when I saw Castle in that sleeveless shirt and headband. There was even plenty of bad '80s movie dialogue to make it complete but I never expected Ryan to get into it as much as he did…

Ryan: You know what time it is? It's Ryan time.
Esposito: Please just stop.
Ryan: My name's Ryan and I hate lyin'.

I'm with Esposito on this one. Please stop. 

One of my favorite moments was Kate and Lanie sharing a drink at her old apartment. I'm glad we're finally getting some closure on what Kate's doing with her place. In NYC, once you have a great apartment, you don't just let it go so it made sense that she'd have her cousin move in. 

To Rick it was just an apartment but to Kate, it's been her home. It's the place she found after her apartment blew up. The place she came back to after being shot. The place where she kept her mother's murder board behind the shutters and the place where she finally fell in love with Rick.

My one disappointment was that I had hoped she would explain all of that to Rick in the end. We never got that scene but it's a minor complaint in what was a fun filled romp through '80s action movie memory lane. 

You can watch Castle online right here at TV Fanatic any time. 

And here is your first look at Castle Season 7 Episode 10, "Bad Santa."

Last Action Hero Review

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C. Orlando was a TV Fanatic Staff Writer. Follow her on Twitter.

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Castle Season 7 Episode 9 Quotes

Ryan: That strains credibility.
Esposito: Yeah, in a good way.

Castle: I was raised by a single mother. Hard Kill was how I got my bro time.
Ryan: That explains so much.