Bones Winter Finale Review: Cocoon of Love

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Nothing should be taken for granted was the lesson gleaned from Bones Season 11 Episode 10, as lives hung in the balance and some may never be the same. 

Tonight was a two parter with Bones Season 11 Episode 9, sending Booth and Brennan undercover as Big River Buck and Wild Card Wanda and as much fun as it was to see them play cowboy, “The Cowboy in the Contest” didn’t hold a candle to the second hour. 

“The Doom in the Boom” was particularly gory, even for Bones; perhaps because there were just so many bodies littered about, not to mention a plethora of maggots, rats, and bones being used as shrapnel. 

Cam's Difficult Decision - Bones

The moment Hodgins found that cell phone, I feared he was going to die, and I felt Cam’s horror as she could do nothing but look on as her friends were caught in the explosion. 

Aubrey’s quick reaction and willingness to throw himself on top of Hodgins spoke a lot to his character. He’s a hero, which he proved again later by making himself a target for the killer. As much as Brennan thought it was a stupid move, she had to be grateful on some level that it wasn’t Booth doing the same thing.

It’s funny that Brennan worried that Booth was getting bored with their home life in the first hour. Given the dangers of his job, I’d think a little peace and boredom at home would be welcomed. 

The murder of several police officers and a security guard took several twists and turns as Caroline brought in behavioral analyst Karen Delves. The jury’s still out for me on Karen. I’m sure her disorganization was supposed to be quirky and comical, but it went too far for me and came across as borderline incompetence. I really didn’t feel that the team needed her input to solve the case. 

That the murderers turned out to be two teenaged boys was horrifying but I whole heartedly agreed with Caroline’s assessment of the killers in this Bones quote

I don't need their names. The world doesn't need to know their names. These fools wanted notoriety and I'm going to make damn sure they never get it.


I wish that keeping the names of mass murderers out of the news was standard practice. 

The exploding body at the beginning had ripple effects that effected everyone. Aubrey survived his wounds, and I’m thankful. I’ve really enjoyed Aubrey these last two seasons, and I don’t want to watch Booth suffer through losing yet another partner or friend. 

Arastoo popped back in to the Jeffersonian, and I have mixed feelings about him. After walking away from Cam for a job and having no contact with her, suddenly he wants to get back together.

I'd go and make cheese sandwiches for minimum wage if it meant coming home to you every night.


Is he truly that in love with Cam or is it easier to go backwards when you’re lonely, and you’re facing the unknown? After spending months trying to get on with her life, I’m not sure I want Cam to go back to Arastoo.

Finally we get to Hodgins. The moment he was released from the hospital, I had a bad feeling. When he had pain and started popping pills like they were candy, I saw the writing on the wall, so his collapse at the end didn’t come as a shock. What I did wonder was why none of the incredibly smart people with whom he works didn’t notice what was happening before it went that far. 

Will Hodgins be permanently paralyzed? Will the “cocoon of love” that is their small family forever remain that way? How will he and everyone else react to his injuries when Bones returns after its winter hiatus?

Check back in next week to see what our Bones round table team has to say about the fallout from this winter finale, and if you can’t wait for more, you can watch Bones online here at TV Fanatic.

The Doom in the Boom Review

Editor Rating: 4.6 / 5.0
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Rating: 4.9 / 5.0 (83 Votes)

C. Orlando was a TV Fanatic Staff Writer. Follow her on Twitter.

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Bones Season 11 Episode 10 Quotes

Cam: The last time I saw or spoke to Arastoo was the night he quit. That was months ago, Dr. Hodgins.
Hodgins: And yet the minute he heard what happened he dropped everything to come rushing down here. It's obvious Arastoo still cares about you.
Cam: And I still care about him but right now I care more about catching a cop killer.

I don't need their names. The world doesn't need to know their names. These fools wanted notoriety and I'm going to make damn sure they never get it.
