The Blacklist Season 6 Episode 10 Review: The Cryptobanker

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I need to get this off my chest before I write anything else because I am so upset (a credit to The Blacklist writers I suppose) that I can barely think straight.

I hate Elizabeth Keen, and it will never change. Ever. I don't care if she somehow figures out how to save Red from death or not. I don't care how much he loves her. 

She is a rotten person and nothing will convince me otherwise.

The Best Laid Plans - The Blacklist Season 6 Episode 10

I am stunned by the turn of events on The Blacklist Season 6 Episode 10, and for the first time in my history of watching this show, I don't see any hope for our beloved Raymond Reddington.

We can thank Elizabeth Keen for getting Red into this mess. All of it.

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There's no point in rehashing the history of how we got to this point. We all know how it happened.

Elizabeth Keen has earned the crown for the worst character in television history. She is a Queen -- a Queen B!

All Lies - The Blacklist Season 6 Episode 10

She's also a psychopath because anyone who flip-flops the way she has needs to be evaluated by a doctor.

Someone, please send Harold an email ASAP! Her badge needs to be taken, and she needs to be held accountable for her actions.

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The most galling thing of all of this is how Liz sat on that stand and praised Red knowing full well it was her fault that he had to be in that courtroom at all.

Even worse was Red thanking her for her kind words after his plans fell apart. If he only knew the truth. IF HE ONLY KNEW!!!!!!

There was only one RAT this hour, and we all know who that was.

Failed Flight - The Blacklist Season 6 Episode 10

In fact, it was sort of ironic that the task force was hunting for a RAT that was about to destroy many lives when there was an even bigger, smellier, and nastier one right under their noses.

I've said it before, but I absolutely cannot wait until Harold, Samar, and Aram learn about Liz's involvement in this insanity. 

The way Aram cracked down on the cryptobanker and the RAT isn't nearly a tenth of what he'll do to Liz when he finds out.

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He was a hero this hour, and I can't help but think how great it would be if he turned out to be Red's hero, too.

Maybe he can hack into the prison's lethal injection wing to stop Red from getting that fatal dose on The Blacklist Season 6 Episode 11.

Liz won't find that guy in Cairo in time to stop Red's death march, and I'm not even sure how that guy in Cairo will help the situation anyway.

What conspiracy is Red talking about? Help me out because I'm not getting that aspect of this story at all.

It's probably because my mind stopped working once it became evident that Liz was about to screw up Red's escape plan, even if she did it inadvertently.

His plan, as usual, was ingenious.

Down for the Count - The Blacklist Season 6 Episode 10

He wasn't about to resort to digging a tunnel to facilitate his escape. He was going to walk right out the front door dressed as the prison Warden.

Everything was going swimmingly well from Vontae and the other guy helping him get what he needed for his transformation to actually putting his plan in action.

He would have been in Chicago in no time enjoying a nice glass of wine and Chicken Joe at Gene & Georgetti's (one of my favorite restaurants, BTW!), but then Elizabeth Keen happened and that was the end of that.

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The look on his face when he realized he was caught was devastating.

Red has never found himself in a situation like this before. He always gets away. His plans always work. He's always one step ahead of the game.

Not this time.

It's Over - The Blacklist Season 6 Episode 10

Had he even had an inkling that his plan would fail he never would have pled guilty to all the charges facing him.

He knew that the sentence passed down by the jury would be nothing short of death, and he was right.

Everything he was doing was an act of desperation because he saw no way out other than breaking out.

Red is at his lowest point right now. He has no more free passes. There are no more opportunities.

And unfortunately, the only person he can turn to (at least that's what the previews are showing) is the one person he doesn't even know he shouldn't be trusting.

Striding Away - The Blacklist Season 6 Episode 10

But Liz is the one who has the resources and her desperation to fix her wrongs may be the only thing that can keep Red alive.

It doesn't matter if she succeeds. I will still hate her.

And I hope she fails and someone else (like Aram) saves Red's day.

She doesn't deserve to absolved from what she's done. She doesn't deserve the glory of being the one to save Red.

She doesn't deserve the eternal gratitude he'll have for her if she succeeds.

A Risky Endeavor - The Blacklist

She deserves nothing.

I wish Dembe would come clean and tell Red what he knows.

I wish Dembe would shed his calm demeanor for five minutes and go all crazy on Liz.

Liz needs to be held accountable for what she did to Red.

She needs to be blacklisted by the task force, by Dembe, and by Red himself.

Over to you!

How do you feel about Red's current situation?

How will Red survive now?

What will Liz do?

Will Dembe reveal the truth to Red?

Will Harold and the rest of the team find out?

Hit the comments and share your thoughts!

If you need to catch up, you can watch The Blacklist online right here via TV Fanatic!

The Cryptobanker Review

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The Blacklist Season 6 Episode 10 Quotes

Mr. Sima: You want me to lie in court?
Red: Yes. It plays to your strengths.

They're fitting me for a snitch jacket.
