A picture of Cartman's boy band he forms with the boys... Finger Bang.

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South Park
South Park Season 4 Episode 8: "Something You Can Do with Your Finger"
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South Park Season 4 Episode 8 Quotes

Cartman: Check this out, my mom made us costumes.
Stan: Costumes!
Cartman: Yeah. This one's yours Stan, and this one is Kyle's, this one will cover up Wendy's hooters.
Stan: Hey Cartman, how come your costume has like nose rings and facial hair?
Cartman: Cause I'm like you know, the tough one. Every boy band has to have the one member you know, that's tough.
Kyle: I want to be the tough one.
Cartman: Kyle, you are the sweet one, would you please just cooperate and...
Kyle: I wan't to be the tough one!
Cartman: You can't be the tough one because you're Jewish!
Kyle: Jews are tough!
Cartman: Since when?
Kyle: Since Abraham Fatass!

Mall Cop: Hey! What are you doin'?
Mad Scientist: I've developed a new strain of anthrax which I will soon unleash upon all of North America!
Mall Cop: Move along, sir.