Taissa Farmiga as Violet

Taissa Farmiga portrays Violet on American Horror Story. She does a very good job of looking scared, which is a requirement here.

Ben, Armed

Ben's past has come back to haunt him on American Horror Story. We mean that very literally.

Burned Larry

Larry has a shovel and is inside the Harmons' home in this scene. That can't bode well for anyone.

Connie Britton as Viven

You've really gotta move away, Vivien. Who cares what your doctor says?!?

Murder House Scene

You're looking at a scene from the third episode of American Horror Story. It's titled "Murder House."

Jessica Lange as Constance

Constance has a long history with the house at the center of American Horror Story. The character is played by Jessica Lange.

An Intriguing Trio

These three have a major history together on American Horror Story. What is it? We can't wait to find out.

Ben and Vivien

What have Ben and Vivien gotten themselves into? And will they get themselves out before it's too late?

American Horror Story Premiere Pic

Jessica Lange is sufficiently scary on American Horror Story. She plays the Harmons' neighbor.

Welcome Home

The Harmons take a look at their new house in this American Horror Story still. It's a shot of Connie Britton as Vivien Harmon, Dylan McDermott as Ben Harmon and Taissa Farmiga as Violet Harmon.

American Horror Story Season 1 Quotes

Billie: Her husband murdered her with an ice pick.
Constance: It's hard to keep good help.

I questioned my sanity when I first found out. But this house, this house will make you a believer.
