Ali Wentworth on Cougar Town

Ali Wentworth guest stars here on Cougar Town. It's a scene from the episode "I Should Have Known."

Travis and Laurie Pic

Are you rooting for Travis and Laurie? They hang out in this scene from Cougar Town Season 4.

Should Jules Worry?

Should Jules be worried about the lack of passion between her and Grayson on Cougar Town? "Between Two Worlds is the third episode of the show's fourth season.

Kiss for Jules

Pucker up! Jules lays a kiss on Grayson in this Cougar Town scene.

Jules and Grayson in Bed

Jules and Grayson are married! And Cougar Town is now on TBS!

Cougar Town Season 4 Quotes

I'm gonna leave before I stab a bitch.


Ellie: Jules Cobb is the light of our group, and as she goes so goes the rest of us. For many years I have been the keeper of that light, but I now pass the torch to you.
Grayson: I'm only taking this torch because I love mime.