Murray, Bret and Jermaine Become Friends

Murray decides he wants to take his relationship with Bret and Jermaine to the next level and to actually become friends.
Rating: 5.0 / 5.0

Bret Gets Duct Taped

When Jermaine's one night stand, Keitha, comes by Jermaine's apartment to rob him, they duct tape poor Bret to the door.
Rating: 5.0 / 5.0

Bret Picture

A picture of Bret McKenzie who plays a fictionalized version of himself on HBO's Flight of the Conchords. Bret is definitely the shyer of the two.
Rating: 5.0 / 5.0

Bret and Jermaine Sell Jingles

After firing Murray, Bret and Jermaine find themselves in a business deal where they have the potential to do a jingle for a commercial.
Rating: Unrated

Bret Sells Straws, His Boy

After recklessly spending money on a new tea cup, a desperate Bret will do anything for money whether it's selling superstraws or selling his body on the street.
Rating: Unrated

Bret and His Gang

Bret forms a ragtag gang after he disses rappers at his latest gig and desperately needs protection.
Rating: Unrated

Flight of the Conchords Quotes

Jemaine: I think I know where I went wrong last night.
Bret: Yeah?
Jemaine: Yeah, Sally wanted to leave when you turned the light on. I think she found it weird - the whole thing with you there with the - with the light ... on.
Bret: Yeah, I think it might also be because she and I used to go out.
Jemaine: Yeah. It's 'cause you and her used to go out, but also because of the thing with the light. She's thinking, "Oh this is a nice situation." But then, "Ugh, who-- who turned on the light?"
Bret: Yeah. Yeah, maybe. But I think it's mainly because her and I used to go out... for like six months.
Jemaine: Yeah, well -- yeah, it's mainly because you used to go out, but also mainly because of the whole situation with the light.
Bret: Yeah, but the last thing you want to see when you're hooking up is your ex in the same room.
Jemaine: Yeah, and you also don't want to be startled by a light, do you?

Murray: I've told you. When you are in a band, you don't get with your bandmate's girlfriend. Past or present.
Jemaine: Yes, well, thanks for that.
Murray: You get a love triangle, you know, a Fleetwood Mac situation. Although there was four of them, so more of a love square. But you know, no-one gets on.
Jemaine: Ok, I see.
Murray: Mind you, they did make some of their best music back then.
Bret: Rumours
Murray: No. No, it's all true