Lily Does It!

Lily jumps up to celebrate after the hot dog eating competition revealing her new belly. Now sure we all know this is because Alyson Hannigan is pregnant, but man that's funny!

The Gang Discussing

The gang sits around as they talk to Barney in "The Stinsons." They have a whole lot to discuss when Barney tells them about his wife and kid!

Marshall Feels the Bump

Marshall goes to grab Lily's stomach after her hot dog eating competition and looks to be freaking out while Barney laughs.

The Gang Outside the House

Marshall, Ted, Robin and Lily all stand outside the house in "The Stinsons." In this episode, the guys meet Barney's wife and child they never knew existed.

The Clock is Counting

Lily is competing in a hot dog eating competition and the official count down clock has begun! Time is ticking!

Lily's Six Pack

Marshall and Lily have a tradition when they pick each other up at the airport, one wears a chauffeur hat and carries the sign while the other arrives with a six pack. Here's Lily with Aspen Yard's Ale.

Marshall Walks In

Marshall walks in on Ted in his boxers and Robin in a robe. Uh oh, what's been going on with these two exes?

Barney Talking with Robin

Barney grabs himself a beer while he talks to Robin and her and Ted's shared apartment.

Ted and Barney

Ted talks to Barney as he's busy cleaning the apartment. That's right, Barney still wears a suit even when cleaning.

Barney Meets Ted's Sister

It's taken years, but Barney finally finds a way to meet Ted's sister, Heather (Erin Cahill) when Lily slips up.

Barney and Ted Have Dave's Back

Don't worry, Dave didn't have to fight those guys all by himself, Barney and Ted had his back. Right?

Marshall Calls Robin a Slut

The very sentimental Marshall (after just watching The Notebook) calls Robin a slut when she sleeps with someone for a reason other than love. What? The Naked Man isn't reason enough?

How I Met Your Mother Season 4 Quotes

Barney: So I explained to her, I said Madelin, every single international conflict essentially boils down to sexual tension
Ted: Every international conflict?
Barney: Every single one, dude
Ted: So the crisis in the middle east could be solved by?
Barney: Gaza Strippers. Next.
Ted: Apartheid?
Barney: Apart Thighs? What else you got?
Ted: Cold war.
Barney: Ms. Gorbachev, Take Down Those Pants

You're right, super hot lady that my wife keeps telling me why you're famous but I keep forgetting

Marshall [to Kim Kardashian]