Olivia and Fitz on Scandal

It may be true love for Olivia and Fitz on Scandal. But what will this mean for the country?

Angry Olivia

Olivia is reeling. That's what happens when you learn an election was fixed.

Olivia's Consequences

What will Olivia do if her own team starts to have doubts on Scandal? "Truth or Consequences" is the 12th episode of the show's second season.

Grant, Pre-President

Grant and his team confer in this look at "A Criminal, a Whore, an Idiot and a Liar." It's a flashback episode of Scandal.

Back in Scandal Time

We're back in time for this Scandal scene, as Barry Bostwick guest stars in the role of Grant's father.

Election Flashback

Olivia is working on Grant's campaign in this flashback scene. It's from the 1/17/12 episode of Scandal.

Vote Grant!

Vote for Grant! We're back in time in this fun look on Scandal.

Barry Bostwick on Scandal

Barry Bostwick is seen here as Fitz's father. It's a flashback scene on Scandal.

Scandal Flashback

We're back in time for this Scandal scene. Take a look at Olivia during the election.

Cyrus vs. James

We're at home with Cyrus in this private Scandal scene. The complicated character is speaking with James.

Cyrus Shot

Who doesn't just love the character of Cyrus on Scandal? He's seen here on the episode "One for the Dog."

Josh Malina as David Rosen

Joshua Malina has been an outstanding addition to the cast of Scandal. He portrays lawyer David Rosen.

Scandal Season 2 Quotes

Abby: It makes no sense. Do you buy it?
Harrison: I question she's lying about her alibi, but I have a hard time buying her as some Unabomber freak who could mix Clorox and toothpaste and blow up half an office park. No offense, Huck.
Huck: None taken.

Quinn: I went home and my apartment was surrounded, cops and FBI agents taking out all my stuff. A woman standing outside told me that a girl who lived there blew up a building and killed seven people.
Harrison: If you were innocent, you could've just called a lawyer.
Abby: You did work with a bunch of them. Also, I hear they're in the phone book.