Cyrus on the Case

Cyrus is taking care of the Rosen problem in this scene from Scandal. Or trying to, at least.

Cyrus Promo Pic

You really don't wanna mess with Cyrus. This Scandal character will often stop at nothing to get what he wants.

Fitz Worries

Can Fitz handle it when Mellie wields her political power on Scandal. "Beltway Unbuckled" is the fourth episode of the show's second season.

Huck and Olivia

Huck and Olivia conduct some research during this Scandal scene. It's courtesy of the episode "Hunting Season.

Olivia Is Shocked

Olivia is shocked by what she finds when a public figure is caught in a case of infidelity on Scandal. "The Other Woman" is the second episode of the show's second season.

Joshua Malina on Scandal

Joshua Malina argues a case on the Scandal Season 2 premiere. He's now a regular cast member.

Scandal Season 2 Premiere Pic

Columbus Short is seen here on the Scandal Season 2 premiere. The episode is titled "White Hat's Off."

Scandal Season 2 Quotes

Abby: It makes no sense. Do you buy it?
Harrison: I question she's lying about her alibi, but I have a hard time buying her as some Unabomber freak who could mix Clorox and toothpaste and blow up half an office park. No offense, Huck.
Huck: None taken.

Quinn: I went home and my apartment was surrounded, cops and FBI agents taking out all my stuff. A woman standing outside told me that a girl who lived there blew up a building and killed seven people.
Harrison: If you were innocent, you could've just called a lawyer.
Abby: You did work with a bunch of them. Also, I hear they're in the phone book.