Gay Jesus Returns - Shameless Season 9 Episode 2

Ian is out of prison, and he wastes no time in returning to his old ways at the church.

A Risky Decision - Shameless Season 9 Episode 2

Fiona makes her way to a business meeting, ignoring Ford's advice, but does she mess it up?

Debbie Wants Justice - Shameless Season 9 Episode 2

Debbie is not impressed that she's not being paid the same as the males in her job, so she takes a stand.

Happy Times - Shameless Season 9 Episode 2

Kev and V are working at functioning as a family without the Svetlana, but what helps them realize what's most important?

Ian Is Released! - Shameless Season 9 Episode 2

Could Carl be the one to offer up the cast to bail Ian out? Carl has been known to be quite the entrepreneur.

Is Xan Sticking Around? - Shameless Season 9 Episode 2

Xan looks to be staying for the duration since Lip takes her under his wing after Eddie skips town.

He Did WHAT? - Shameless Season 9 Episode 2

We can only assume Liam is telling Fiona what happened with Frank at the school.

A New Business - Shameless Season 9 Episode 2

Looks like someone is using Carl's rehab office space for a new business venture. Who could it be?

What's Happening? - Shameless Season 9 Episode 2

Does Ian find himself in his first prison fight? It sure seems that way since he's being handled by a lot of guards.

Prison Rules - Shameless

Ian may have a group of friends on the inside, but that doesn't mean they will always get along with each other.

Shameless Season 9 Episode 2 Quotes

The tide is changing too damn fast. Let's make Chicago white again.


I am a welder with a vagina, and I am here to stand up to patriarchy.
