Lisa's Fantasy World

It's a magical place. Amusing too.

Burns, Bees

You gotta love the pun.

The Simpsons Tackle Muslim Relations

Not quite as outrageous as when Family Guy or It's Always Sunny do it, but still classic.

Crossword Mania

Lisa takes her crossword puzzles very seriously. Homer? He just wants a quick buck.

Vintage Homer and Marge

Homer had hair once! Insane!

Treehouse of Horror XIX

This is getting ridiculous. There are as many of these as Super Bowls. Almost. Not really. Still, there are a lot.

Simpsons Stunt

Bart and Simon decide to switch places. The joke is on Bart.

Lost Verizon Pic

Great play on words. Verizon? Horizon? Get it?!

Flanders and Homer Pic

Homer and Flanders make great partners in crime.

The Simpsons Season 20 Quotes

Lisa: Dad, we have to do something all the bees are dying!
Homer: (sarcastically) Oh, no! No bees! Ooh, now who will sting me and walk all over my sandwiches?
Lisa: But, Dad! Bees pollinate flowers.
Homer: Pfft. Flowers, the painted whores of the plant world.

(After Homer shows Lisa the hive containing the new hybrid bees he and Moe had created)
Lisa: They sound awfully mad. Are they dangerous?
Homer: Hmm, I'm not sure. Let me check. (Lifts the lid of the hive) Are you guys dangerous? (The bees fly out of the hive and knock Homer down) A simple "Yes" would've sufficed!