Tara Wrestles with Naomi

Tara in New Orleans as a cage fighter had nothing on her hook up with fighting lover, Naomi. Tara got interesting after she died.

Lafayette with a Mohawk

What do you think of Lafayette with a mohawk? He kicks off season four with one.

Lafayette and Sookie Chat

Lafayette and Sookie share a chat in this scene from "She's Not There." It's the fourth season premiere of True Blood.

Pam on True Blood

Devious and sexy as always, Pam will play a critical role on the fourth season of True Blood.

Hoyt and Jessica Photo

We're rooting for Hoyt and Jessica to make it. But they'll face plenty of obstacles on season 4 of True Blood.

Behind the Bar

Bartender, a bar please! Eric takes on a concerned look in this image from the fourth season premiere of True Blood.

Sookie Stackhouse Image

Sookie has a lot to learn about herself. This is a photo of the character from the fourth season premiere.

True Blood Premiere Scene

Bill is seen here on the fourth season premiere of True Blood. Things aren't great between him and Sookie.

True Blood Season 4 Episode 1 Quotes

We'll stay for five minutes. Ten if they got dranks.


I have a fairy godmother? Okay, if your job is to look after me, can I just say you suck.
