Neena: So should we start this deposition, or do you boys just want to hand us a big bag of money?
Mr. Corman: Big bag of money...
Turk: You aren't going to freeze up around her again, are you Ted?
Ted: No chance. I'm drugged up. Plus, if I concentrate, I think I can control the excessive flop sweat I get the second she speaks!

Get up, take a shower, do that disco-vampire thing with your hair.

Barbara [to Penguin]

Clanton Heir Doc: Turn around and face me.
Wynonna: Doc Holliday won’t shoot someone in the back. You’re still in there. I know you are. And I know your code, the one I never should have broken because of what it did to us. That code won’t let you shoot me no matter what they’ve done to you.

Beckett: This is the part where I'm supposed to feel better?
Vic: Eventually, I mean, you just gotta sit in that pain you buried.
Beckett: No, I don't want to, I don't want sit in this pain, I don't want to feel this, Hughes.

Rusty, this essay makes you sound arrogant and conceited.


It smells like a moose had sex with a bucket of Chinese food in here.


Alaska: Let's make a deal. You figure out what he labyrinth is and how to get out of it, and I'll get you laid, but a sexually liberated intellectual equal, of course. Deal?
Pudge: Deal.

Mallory: I didn't know what the right answers were.
Mary Anne: There are no right or wrong answers. That's the point

Mrs. Lee: We took you in because we love you, Howie. You're family.
Chimney: Then that's all I need.

We're talking about me, and then all of a sudden it's about you.

Ethan [on Naomi]

Cain: You brought Hawkins back?
Logan: He signed a lucrative deal with a national sports franchise.
Cain: He's still a whistleblower.
Logan: I'm aware. Risk versus reward. I made the call.
Cain: It's insanity.
Logan: It turns out he's a rainmaker. Red Rock loves the rain.
Cain: Yeah, I'm aware. Remember who you're talking to?
Logan: Careful now, Barrett. Proceed with caution.
Cain: I should have been informed. Leaving me out of the loop about Hawkins is a sign of disrespect to the surgeon who has made more rain for you and Red Rock than anyone else.
Logan: Not as much as you used to. Your billing is heading in the wrong direction. Pair that with the expensive neuro center we're building on your behalf, by my assessment, I gotta say. You gotta hustle up.
Cain: Hustle up? What, exactly, are you implying?
Logan: Everyone has an expiration date. Everyone.

I've seen the looks on some those faces when G'Win speaks and on those same faces when you come back.
