Alex: You know you're nothing like your mother, right?
Meredith: You're nothing like your father.
Alex: You're good - so you would be good - you'd be a good mom.

Cristina: Private lessons with the Chief. Man, those daddy issues are working for you.
Meredith: I don't have daddy issues. He's teaching me.
Karev: You're his bitch.
Meredith: Well, in that case you're Teddy's bitch.
Karev: Maybe that's my problem - I'm nobody's bitch.
Cristina: You're Izzie's bitch.
Karev: YOU'RE a bitch.

Alex: Admit it. Her being around your guy bugs.
Meredith: Okay. It bugs a little.

Meredith: What's this patient X thing that's taking all the interns?
Cristina: Yeah, and when's it gonna be over? I need minions to do my crap work!
Alex: It's some new teaching thing.
Cristina: We're all killing ourselves to get into the OR. When's the last time Izzie held a scalpel? She's falling behind. She's like the new O'Malley.
Alex: Izzie's nothing like O'Malley.
George: Hello?

ALEX: "Okay, can you tell me exactly what happened to your husband."
PATIENT'S WIFE: "So my idiot husband goes and stands in front of his 'big gun' to see what went wrong. That's when the stupid toy starts working."

You know happens when you break the rules, Mer? You get a hundred thousand bucks.

Who would've thought Kepner would find someone as dorky as she is?

I'm in love with an intern out there but I won't tell her.

Alex: I felt bad that I had to sit with you all night so you didn't cry yourself to sleep over your sad premie.
Morgan: He has a brain bleed!

Alex: After you.
Mrs. Stevens: Oh, a doctor and a gentleman. Now that's a double yummy. Oh my god whose getting married?
Izzie: Oh my god, mom? What are you doing here?
Alex: Mom?
Mrs. Stevens: Shhh, cricket, you don't want that hot doctor to think I'm old.

IZZIE: "I... I can't... I just..."
ALEX: "Alex gets it. Alex is sorry he's such an idiot."
IZZIE: [laughs] "Can Izzie buy Alex a drink?"

Bailey: You've got end stage cirrhosis, and the only thing that can save your life is a transplant.
Lexie: How did it happen this fast?
Alex: He bathed it in Gin.
Lexie: Alex.
Thatcher: Your friends right. Except for the Gin. I was a scotch man. What's... what's the next step here? Can I get on a list?
Richard: Um, Thatcher, the transplant board has a rule here. An alcoholic has to be sober at least a year before he qualifies for a donor liver.
Thatcher: I'm only 90 days.
Lexie: I'll do it. I'll do it today. I'll go get tested right now.
Thatcher: Lexie.
Lexie: No, they just take a piece. My liver will regenerate.
Thatcher: I can't ask you to do something like that. It's major surgery.
Lexie: You're not asking. You're my dad. You want a kidney? I'll throw in one of those too.

Grey's Anatomy Quotes

[walking by Izzie's room]
Meredith: Hot.
Sadie: Horny.

Sexual sorbet? Hahaha! I love it.
