Obviously, you're not my sexual equal, what with your penis being a soft void filled with sonnets.

Andy: You have no idea how much it means to me that you believe in me.
Shane: I don't believe in you.

Once upon a time, you sold dime bags at local sporting events. But now! Oh, wait. You’re selling dime bags at local sporting events. A somewhat circular journey, no? A spiral?

Andy: How'd you get that?
Shane: I walked in and printed it out.
Andy: He's good.

It's fine. I've seen that show Life After People. This will all be reclaimed by the Earth soon enough. All swap and moss, weird looking birds.

I’m murdering somebody. Killing them. It’s bad. Bloody. Anybody care? No? Living your myopic lives? Okay, cool...

Andy: Long Island Iced Teas are delicious. What's in them?
Nancy: Everything.

Well France makes good wine. I think it's the soil. Or the water. Or the alcohol.

Fleecing New York’s upper crust while they’re on vacation is a Botwin family tradition.

She values 8 percent of me.

I kind of want to touch his bicep, like once. Why is that?

No, no, I’m not a taker of sides. I float in the ambiguous middle ground. Still beloved, my relationships unsullied. Once you two idiots get past this little kafuffle…I don’t get involved.